Circulatory System Diseases and Risk Factors

Our circulatory system possesses the heart and blood vessels, which keeps our body functioning. What is it process? The system is able to distribute hormones, oxygen, electrolytes and nutrients all over the body parts. Anything that prevents your heart or blood vessels to pump blood can lead to complications like heart disease or stroke. In this lieu, it is necessary to use an equipment that aid in proper circulatory system, like
The severe complications can be present due to a number of factors. For more information on cardiovascular diseases, you may click on this link. Read below for the types of circulatory system diseases and what are its risk factors.
1) High blood pressure
Blood pressure is the figure of the force done by your body to be able to pump blood throughout the arteries. For cases of high blood pressure or hypertension, the force is higher than the normal figure. For a fact, high blood pressure can hurt the heart and cause to have a kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. No symptoms are present during a high blood pressure. This makes it a reason to call it “the silent killer.”
2) Atherosclerosis and coronary artery diseaseAtherosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries. It happens when plaque develops inside the arteries, which allows blocking of the normal blood flow. The said plaque consists of calcium, cholesterol and fat. On the other hand, coronary artery disease is the narrowing and hardening of the arteries due to plaque. Where, the blood clots can add more ways to block the arteries. For a fact, coronary artery disease is experienced in time. Meaning, a patient can have it, but be totally unaware of the disease. Sometimes, it leads to chest pains and certain heaviness in the chest area.
3) Heart attacks
A heart attack happens when there is poor blood supply to the heart. Such may take place during artery blockage. Heart attacks hurt the heart muscle. Its symptoms are unconsciousness; pain in the center or left side of the chest; dizziness; failure to breath; uncontrollable sweating; irregular heartbeat and; pain coming from across the back, the jaw, arm and shoulder. Women usually have heart attacks a little differently, with experiencing of pressure or aching along the back and chest regions.
4) Heart failureIt is also coined as the congestive heart failure. A heart failure take place when the heart muscle has weakened or hurt. Wherein, the heart cannot pump the right amount of blood the body is asking for. Furthermore, a heart failure usually happens during a report of having other heart problems, like a heart attack or coronary artery disease. The symptoms may be an added need to urinate at night, swelling in the ankles and showing fatigue. It also let patients experience fainting, chest pain and rapid breathing.
5) Strokes
Having strokes happen during the time a blood clot takes place in an artery in the brain, which later on cuts down the blood supply in the body. Strokes can, also, take place when there is sudden opening of a blood vessel in the brain. The two cases hinder the supply of blood and oxygen to go to the brain. In this lieu, certain parts of the brain are most likely to be hurt. For more information on heart and strokes, you may read this article.
6) Abdominal aortic aneurisms
For a fact, the abdominal aortic aneurism is a disease where there is a built up in a weakened part of the aorta, which is the largest blood vessel. Furthermore, the aorta delivers blood coming from the heart to the pelvis, abdomen and legs. Hence, when the aorta breaks down, it can lead to heavy bleeding in your body.
Also, an abdominal aortic aneurism can remain small and won’t lead to any health problems, so the doctor just waits and watch for it to worsen. During the time it enlarges, a pain in the abdomen or back can be experienced. Big and quickly building up of an abdominal aortic aneurism possess more risk of rupturing. At this point, the situation calls for immediate attention.
7) Peripheral artery disease
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an atherosclerosis that happens in the extremities of your body, which is most of the time taking place in the legs. This disease prevents blood flow to the brain, legs and heart. During the time of experiencing PAD, you are more prone to have other circulatory system diseases. Although a lot of patients having PAD does not show any symptoms, it is still vital to take note of signs like changes in skin color, a pain in the legs, sores that don’t heal and coolness in the lower part of the body.
What are the risks in having circulatory system diseases?
There are two types of risks in having circulatory system diseases. The modifiable risk factors are factors that can be altered and changed. It may be a poor diet, minimal exercises, smoking addiction, alcohol abuse, overweight and added stress. On the other hand, the nonmodifiable risk factors are factors that can’t be modified. It may be the particular ethnicities, advanced age, family history in circulatory system diseases and maleness.