Weekend Away - 6 Tips for Your First Weekend Away from Your Baby
- Written by NewsServices.com

Are you spending your first weekend away from your baby? As scary as traveling without your little one may sound, you can alleviate your anxiety by leaving them in the capable hands of your parents, in-laws, or even a trusted caregiver.
Other than that, try these tips to ease the separation anxiety and enjoy a stress-free trip:
- Don’t Forget the Bottle Sterilizer
Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, ensure that you leave your baby bottle sterilizer in the capable hands of your babysitter. If they’re never used one before, be sure to give them a demonstration. That way, your baby’s caretaker will be able to clean the bottles prior to every feed.
Using sterilized bottles is also a great way to get your baby accustomed to drinking from a bottle before your trip. This will ensure your baby is prepared to drink from a bottle while you are away.
- A Breast Pump to Go
Though you’re leaving your baby behind, it’s still a good idea to carry your breast pump on the trip. You can pump milk and store it in well-sterilized bottles over the weekend. They’ll then be ready for use when you get back home.
Carry a portable baby bottle sterilizer to sterilize your bottles as well so that you can store your expressed milk in perfectly clean bottles. Make sure that you have expressed enough breast milk prior to leaving so as to keep your baby satisfied while you are away.
- A Sentimental Item
Since it’s your first weekend away from your baby, try to create a sentimental item for them. Sleep with a specific blanket for a few nights or wear a jersey for a few days so that it can pick up your scent. This item can be used to soothe your baby when they are crying. Even when they’re not upset, it will allow them to feel closer to you.
- Get Your Baby Accustomed to Their Caregiver
The last thing you need is a howling baby who wants to tag along when you are about to leave. However, this is likely to be exactly what you get if your baby has never stayed with anyone else.
Let your mother, mother-in-law, or caregiver stay with your baby while you are there. Then disappear into another room.
You can also leave your baby with a parent or caregiver while you run errands prior to your trip, so when you leave, it won’t feel unfamiliar for the baby to be without you. Hopefully, this will help your baby learn to be content in your absence.
- Stock Up
To make it easier for your baby to be without you, make sure they have easy access to their favorite toys and snacks. You don’t want the caregiver to have to deal with waterworks when you are away because your baby’s favorite teddy is missing. Keep everything within easy reach.
- Reassure Them
This tip is important if your little one is 1-3 years old. Before you leave, make sure they know that you haven’t abandoned them and you will be returning soon. It’s also important that you have access to a phone so you can communicate with them if they miss you.
With these preparations in place, you can travel with ease knowing that your baby is just as ready for a weekend of separation as you are.
Don't forget to provide contact details and a copy of your itinerary before you leave. You must always be prepared for emergencies before they arise.