Insight Into How The Technology In Gaming Industry Has Changed Over The Years
- Written by Natalie Neol

Is there even a single aspect of our lives that technology has not revolutionized in the past few years? I don’t think so!
When it comes to the gaming industry, new tools, upgrades, and advancements in 3D gaming, virtual reality, and artificial intelligences have almost blurred the fine line that once existed between reality and fantasy.
From big gaming equipment to interesting, playful activities that we enjoy on our mobile screens, the industry is in full bloom or maybe there is still some room for improvement?
The truth is that Covid-19 pandemic has brought attention to many things that had somehow disappeared from reality. When the restrictions and lockdowns forced an increase in the demand of games revolving around virtual reality and multi-player settings, we had to sit down and explore exactly where our gaming industry stands at this moment.
Here’s what we found out.
Now Gaming Is More About Connection Instead of an Individual Experience
I remember how extraordinary it felt when multi-player gaming was launched for the first time thanks to global increase in internet usability. Now, nobody seems to be interested in sitting alone in the room playing a video game with nil human interaction.
Consequently, technology like glance has made it easy to connect via screen-sharing and video-calling. You can opt to play a game with all your friends and turn the whole event into a virtual gathering that everybody gets to enjoy.
3D Graphics Are Here To Spice It Up
2D gaming is a thing from the past. 3D graphics have largely taken over the industry along with special effects to make it even more interesting. With such improvements, games not just look but feel realistic as well.
…But It Does Not Stop There
If you thought 3D graphics are the only “new” talk of the town, think again! The 20th century has seen such a spurge in digital transformation that everything is out of the scope of this little blog to cover but here’s a quick overview to give you some idea.
- Facial and voice recognition now allow gamers to interact with in-game objects in a manner that was never possible before. They also offer some degree of security with online gaming accounts becoming less easy to hack or misuse.
- Controllers used to be fun but there is no beating gesture controls. Simply pretend to hold a virtual wheel as you drive around in Need for Speed!
- Virtual reality and wearable gaming consoles provide closest-to-reality experiences to gamers around the globe. We are no longer talking about staring the screen as you enjoy a video game. It is about time you put on the suit and get in the action yourself!
Global Discussion Forums Have a Role To Play As Well!
Questions and Answer forums have become quite common now. Previously, getting stuck at a specific level meant you would have to try a trillion times to get across the level. Sometimes, gamers would even give up pursuing the play at all.
That is not the case now. You can leave your query online and find out about what different players from around the world have to say about it. For example, you can find out what a fortune does on an axe Minecraft or how to jump to the next level in Tomb Raider without wasting days trying to find out the solution.
Can You Contribute To the New Era In The World of Gaming?
Perhaps the biggest turn in the gaming industry is that now players can have a role in the developments that take place in the future. It is not before long that we would get to see player-generated games with powerful and creative tools.
This means all players would be free to create and share their content about a game that they had previously players. They can share it online and even choose to introduce new levels in old games. Won’t that be an interesting thing to look forward to?
Technology has done a lot to make our lives more joyful but it looks like there is no full stop here. As the internet speeds, smartphones and electronic gadgets continue to improve, we can hope that the gaming experience will follow soon!
Now gamers are looking forward to a more “real world” experience in gaming where they can immerse themselves into the play completely.
Consequently, the giants of the gaming industry are doing their best to give the customers exactly what they are looking for.