Modern Australian


  • Written by Ralph Tucker

Florists won’t be the only ones doing a roaring trade this Valentine’s Day with psychics around the country expected to be inundated with requests for advice on how to find that special someone. 


Rose Smith runs Absolute Soul Secrets the largest psychic network in the southern hemisphere and says around Valentine’s Day is traditionally a very busy period as people seek relationship advice.


“With love in the minds of many around Valentine’s Day we do have an increased number of people coming to us with questions about current, past and potential future relationships,” Ms Smith said.


“Love and relationships is the number one topic of conversation when people speak to a psychic at any time, but on Valentine’s Day these feelings are definitely brought to the surface even more.”


“I’m often asked if there are any special tips or tricks which people can do in order to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex, and the simple answer is yes.”


“You have to be happy, content and confident within yourself first of all in order to attract another person because if you come across as too needy or desperate you will repel them straight away.”  


“You need to be realistic when it comes to love so don’t set yourself an unachievable deadline when it comes to finding the man or woman of your dreams.”


“When you shift your attention away from the timing of when they will come along, rather than using every waking moment of focusing your attention on wanting it to happen then and there.”


“Put yourself in places where you know members of the opposite sex will hang out, so for the ladies that may be a trip down your local Bunnings, even if it is just to pick up a light globe.” 


“Certain smells or scents can also be a very popular way of luring that special someone, so think about flowers, perfumes, essential oils, candles and even vanilla extract.”      


Psychic and spiritual adviser Rose Smith has these tips for those chasing love this Valentine’s Day.

  • Identify what you’re after: Be truthful with yourself...what do you like and dislike, what qualities are important to you, what are the ‘deal breakers’ and the ‘must haves’.  Do not make your list too long with unnecessary qualities.  
  • Love yourself: This includes the bits you don’t like, those you don’t agree with and those not very nice bits that hide underneath the surface, usually raising their heads when something goes wrong. 
  • Move on: If an old relationship is holding you back from finding a new partner, it’s time to let go of the past. Do a ritual releasing your former partner and thanking them for what you have learned.
  • Embrace love: When you see others in love, wish them well – always.  There’s absolutely no space for jealousy or envy here, you need to be truly happy for them in order to magnetise love to yourself.
  • Be open: Allow your heart to open by facing all your fears spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. 

“If you’re single and being surrounded by love on Valentine’s Day is likely to evoke feelings of jealousy and resentment, switch off from social media and send yourself something special.”


“Practice daily affirmations like, ‘I am worthy of true love’, ‘I deserve love in my life’ and ‘I am a winner in love.”


“Be positive and grounded at the same time, maintaining balance in your life, otherwise, it’s easy to get carried away by fantasy, especially about love.”


“Keep your focus on how you feel and what you want, not on a specific person that you fancy as your partner.”


“The Universe could have someone better in mind than the person you’re currently thinking about.”


About Rose Smith 

Rose has been running the Absolute Soul Secrets network of psychics throughout Australia and overseas for the past 18 years. Prior to that she worked as a counselor in a local women’s health centre and taught ethics and counseling at Southern Cross University. Rose recently completed a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Canberra.


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