Lifestyle Tips to Manage Joint Pains
If you are going through the day with joint pain, it will probably affect every aspect of your life. Whether it is a chronic condition like Arthritis or some temporary pain, the discomfort is the same. When the pain causes issues in your mobility, you need to reshape your lifestyle.
Lifestyle Tips
While you can manage joint pains to some extent at home, you might need medical intervention. Consult an efficient orthopaedic and you can get prescription drugs online if it seems discomforting for you to go out and buy the medicines.
Stay active
Studies show that physical activities may help reduce the effects of joint pain and fatigue. Consult your doctor for suitable exercises that you can do outdoors or in a gym. You can look for exercises online and do them at home as well. However, it would be best to hire a trainer who will guide you through the exercises.
Rest when you need to
It is better to rest when you feel pain or swelling in your joints. When overdoing physical movements may make the muscles stiff, just stop and take some time to rest and conserve your energy. Ask for assistance from friends or family members to do your daily tasks if you are unable to carry on.
Eat Healthily
Diet is also impactful when dealing with pains. Studies show that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help with reducing inflammation in the joints. A useful home remedy to help with the pain is, mix a spoonful of turmeric in a glass of milk and drink it warm. Though it is not a long time solution it helps with temporary ease of pain.
Reduce excess weightWeight loss may help with reducing pressure on joints. If you are obese or overweight, you should consider losing excess weight and try to maintain a healthy weight.
Massage therapy
It is recommended that just 60 minutes of massage once a week helps to ease joint pains. Massage helps with regulating the blood flow in the body. It also helps with relaxing the stiff muscles. Massage with different essential oils help with body pains but olive oil is most recommended for joint pains according to Ayurveda.
Have a good sleep schedule
Poor sleep worsens body pains and causes fatigue. Try to improve your sleep habits by keeping the bedroom dark and quiet. Avoid caffeine and strenuous activities close to bedtime. Take a relaxing bath before you go to bed. You will notice a significant improvement in pain when you start changing your sleeping habits for good.
Apply heat or cold treatments.
Heat treatments are most recommended in case of joint pains. Applying heat pads to joints may help with blood circulation, relaxing stiff joints and tired muscles. On the other hand, you can also try cold treatments that help to reduce swelling. You can also try putting ice packs or a bag of frozen vegetables on the painful area for some time.