10 Gym Essentials for Your Next Workout
- Written by News Co Media

We all go to the gym for different reasons. Whether it’s to look good, feel good, or maybe fulfil a goal, whatever your motivation - having the right equipment and apparel is going to make your workout not only more effective but comfier, easier, and more enjoyable. Here are your top 10 essentials for your next workout.
1. Duffle Bag
This is your first priority. There’s no fun in getting to the gym and fumbling for your keycard as you balance the rest of your things under your arm. That’s just setting yourself up for a bad start to the day. Not only does it make your entrance to the gym more smooth, but it also makes packing and getting in and out of the car way easier too. These days duffle bags have become the quintessential must-have for all well-meaning gym-goers. Just get one that you’ll actually use.
2. Towel
This is sort of a given, and most gyms usually have a no-towel = no-workout policy, so don’t be that person who forgets and gets sweaty anyway. Bringing a towel to the gym should be a habit by now - even if you find you’re not using it that much. Whether you’re using them to cover up equipment or to wipe your drenched muscles - make sure you get the right size for your workout. Generally, compact microfibre towels are the best - they soak scary amounts of sweat and are easily washable.
3. The right shoes
Never go to the gym with the wrong shoes. And not because it’s a dodgy fashion statement to rock up in leather boots. Without proper support under your heel - your time on the treadmill may as well be spent talking to a physio about heel spurs. Depending on your workout - you’ll want to consider different levels of support and materials. Breathable is always best, with plenty of bounce if you’re running - for deadlifts consider getting a tight and supportive shoe that has extra stability and grip. No one wants to slip when handling weights.
4. Headphones
Whether it’s for extra motivation or keeping you in the zone, headphones are your best friend when the time comes to bulk down and get through those reps. Depending on the kind of workout - you may want to consider the types available for you. Noise-cancelling headphones are luxurious - but sometimes that’s not ideal. You might want to be a little more ‘engaged’ with the world around you. Get the headphones that won’t get tangled when you’re smashing your pull-up record. Wireless headphones are great and are increasingly good at staying in your ears even while you’re pounding away on the treadmill.
5. Headband
Wearing a headband isn’t just a comfortable solution to long hair getting in the way, it’s also more hygienic. Having hair trailing over your sweaty face isn’t exactly anyone’s idea of fun either. Sort yourself out with a headband and avoid the whole tying up process.
6. Compression leggings/shorts
Wearing the right bottoms for your workout is key to ensuring ultimate support and flexibility. Don’t hold back on getting the right gym apparel for your specific workout either. If it’s bike shorts you need - bikes shorts it’ll be. But it’s far more than just matching your gym wear to your workout style - getting the right shorts or leggings is about making you feel confident in your own skin. While many would argue that the gym isn’t a fashion parade - it’s a place of self-betterment. So there’s no harm in looking good.
7. Workout top
Your fashion preference, weather, workout routines will all play a role in what you choose to wear. If it’s cold outside - consider a matching hoodie or sweater that you can confidently throw aside once you’ve warmed up. Outdoor gym session? Consider a windbreaker or a zip pullover that’ll keep the wind off you.
8. Water bottle
A water bottle saves you from swapping saliva with the next person that forgets theirs. Get a non-disposable bottle. Don’t let it leave your duffle bag. If there’s one thing we’ve learned about water bottles in gyms - it’s that they go missing all the time. Having your water bottle fully loaded before you begin your workout is always the best idea so you’re not traipsing back and forth from the drinking fountain like a lost sheep.
9. Socks/Underwear
So ummm… do you even activewear if you’re not sporting ventilated socks and moisture-wicking underwear? It’s not exactly what comes to mind when we say gym apparel, but they are one of the most underrated items you’ll ever bring to a workout. Having the right sock and underwear will make your life better in so many ways. First up there’s the sweat factor. No one is out there denying that it gets sweaty down there. Having the right fitting, ventilated and moisture-absorbent underwear will probably change your life, and those around you too! As for socks? There’s nothing more off-putting or distracting than a badly fitted sock.
10. Lifting gloves
Lifting gloves are the kind of gym apparel you only find out you need when it’s too late and your hands are raw and covered in blisters and calluses. If you’re new to weight lifting, getting the right gloves can save you weeks of pain and suffering at the hands of your weights. Gloves give you the stability and protection you need to give it everything you’ve got in the eights section. You may also find other workout routines that could benefit from gloves.
Start your workout off with a bang
Getting the right equipment sorted for your workout will improve everything from getting to the gym, to your workout and results.
Not sure where to get all this stuff? There are plenty of online gym apparel stores that offer excellent deals and free delivery. Featuring some of the top brands in the space including Do You Even Activewear and Muscle Nation, you’ll be able to find the best gym wear to suit your workout. Don’t leave it to the last minute or wait for the next season. Order everything you need online today.