Modern Australian

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Assuming university is required, the following results were found.

Spare a thought for air-conditioning repair people. As the planet warms, they're really up against it
More frequent and extreme weather associated with climate change is creating uncertainty across society. In particular, it raises challenges for the workers required to fix and maintain things. In a warming world this includes equipment such as...
the un-Australian history of the rubber thong
The shoe known in Australia as a “thong” is one of the oldest styles of footwear in the world. Worn with small variations across Egypt, Rome, Greece, sub-Saharan Africa, India, China, Korea, Japan and some Latin American cultures, the shoe was designed...
How remote communities are building on payment for ecosystem services
The payment for ecosystem services (PES) model is supporting a new wave of self-determined construction on Aboriginal homelands. With no secure strategy for government infrastructure investment in homelands, particularly in new housing or new...
We made a flammable cladding database to help boost fire safety in our buildings
Modern buildings have seen rapid development in recent decades, with a push towards sustainable practices and improved energy efficiency. But the advancement of fire safety has been less prioritised, and we need to rethink our approach. Combustible...
How extremists have used the COVID pandemic to further their own ends, often with chaotic results
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, extremists have sought to exploit the pandemic environment to their own ends. Where most of the population sees an enduring health catastrophe, extremists tend to see opportunity. Over the past two years, we have seen...
Smoking increases your coronavirus risk. There's never been a better time to quit
If you’re a smoker, there’s really never been a better time to quit. Coronavirus affects your lungs, causing flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and fatigue. In the most serious cases, sufferers struggle to breathe...
Research shows how athletes cope with post-Olympic life
With the Olympics drawing to a close, many athletes will begin to turn their attention to a crucial yet daunting question: what’s next? The Olympic Games are a unique event, with the potential for extreme highs and lows that accompany success, loss,...
Coles says these toys promote healthy eating. I say that's rubbish
As a parent, I find it so frustrating to take my children shopping, reusable bags in hand, only to be offered plastic toys at the checkout. It’s an incredibly confusing message to be sending kids. And it seems Coles is confused too. Last year the...
Celebrating 10 years of news from experts
The Conversation Australia + New Zealand's Editor Misha Ketchell (left) and CEO Lisa Watts (right).Penny Stephens When the first whispers started to circulate about The Conversation I was working behind the scenes for Media Watch on ABC TV. It was late...
Why Gamblers Experience Euphoria During The Game
In ancient times, people were divided into hunters and gatherers, and their main task was to survive and preserve the family. The physiology and structure of the human brain define why it constantly needs a reward. This principle is called the “brain...
Top science prize for 2020 goes to Aussie physicists who helped detect distortions in space-time
This year’s prestigious Prime Minister’s Prize for Science has been awarded to a team of Australian physicists for their contribution to a stellar, reality-bending discovery. Emeritus professor David Blair and professors Susan Scott, David McClellan...
Natural Language Processing Expert Through NLP Courses
Benefits of Taking an NLP Course These days, taking courses in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is becoming increasingly popular. This form of psychotherapy helps people to develop their communication, personal development and self-awareness skills....
How to respond and avoid panic
Australia has experienced plenty of supermarket shortages since the COVID pandemic began. The emerging crisis now is a bit different. In 2020 and 2021, empty shelves were due to spikes in demand, as shoppers responded to lockdowns by buying more toilet...
Why the NT must delay opening its border to protect First Nations people
The current string of COVID-19 outbreaks in Aboriginal communities in remote areas of the Northern Territory will only get worse if the NT government opens its borders on December 20, as planned. The government should heed the call by John Paterson,...
How should I clean my cloth mask?
Face coverings, such as cloth masks, are mandatory for all Victorians and are being recommended for public use in some other parts of the country. Wearing a face covering helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 by providing a physical barrier. In saying...
Scott Morrison caught in catch-22 over the issue of his integrity
It’s not often that leaders get the blunt question 3AW’s Neil Mitchell threw at the prime minister on Friday. “You ever told a lie in public life?” What could Morrison say? “Yes” – the frank answer, and the discussion would turn to where and when. “No”...
what Indigenous people stand to lose from climate 'solutions'
In the first major deal of the Glasgow climate summit, more than 100 nations have pledged to end, and reverse, deforestation by 2030. As the declaration states, forests store vast amounts of carbon dioxide and are essential to stop global warming...
Voter ID is a bad idea. Here's why
The Morrison government is pushing legislation to mandate voter ID at polling places. Contrary to some critics, what it proposes will not create US-style “voter suppression”. But it is still an unnecessary idea at an inappropriate time. Countries like...
Want to understand how the Coalition works? Take a look at climate policy
This week’s excruciating case of a prime minister being beholden to a rogue section of his own Cabinet over climate policy has again drawn attention to the arcane nature of Coalition arrangements. While the numbers eventually fell his way, a policy...
China's global diplomatic approach is shifting, and Australia would do well to pay attention to it
In 1934, Mao Zedong’s embattled guerrilla forces began what was to prove an epic military withdrawal from southern China to a stronghold in the north of the country. This became known as the Long March. It enabled the Communists to break out of...

Results 61 - 286 of 286