How Do You Fix a Power Surge?
- Written by Samantha Ball

There are many possible signs of power surges, all pointing to different factors. Some are internal. Some occur due to sudden turn-on or shut-off of high-end devices with large voltage.
There's also the external power surge that starts from outside the house and is triggered by natural electricity like lightning. Or It could be hazardous events like a risky contact between power lines and tree limbs. Whether external or internal, a power surge can damage indoor electronics or appliances.
When a power surge occurs, the first thing you don't want to do is to panic.
Most power surges are not threatening or damaging. But huge power surges like lightning can instantly damage electrical wiring or circuits. Here's how to fix a power surge.
Reset, then repower
Firstly, it's time to update your old, outdated electrical wiring or an electrical panel that's been around for ages.
Before you reset your circuit breakers, unplug your devices (that's if the lower surge led to a power outage). After unplugging, reset the circuit breaker.
Inspect your home
Inspect your home and environment for possible damage from the power surges. Access your appliances. Try to turn on and off devices to check whether they still function properly.
Access your overall HVAC system
You can have your HVAC reset. Or you can just reach out to an expert to inspect every unit for potential damage to electrical appliances. You must reset your HVAC in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
If the system doesn't come with a manual, an expert will assist with the instruction for resetting.
Trim vegetations
Trim your trees. Keep electrical services debris-free. Some electrical services entrance lines are beneath the ground.
Always protect your electrical service entrance from pests, lawn trimmers, and other potential damages. Be sure that it's clean and properly protected.
Electrical Metre
You may need to use the service of an electrical company to trim the large tree.
Surge Protectors
Purchase surge protection for your high-end devices so they're safe in the event of a power surge. Be sure to choose an elevator of a minimum of 600 Jules protection.
Protect the entire house
For the best protection, just install a whole house surge protector on your primary electrical panel. Installation processes are typically easy. On a general note, simply attach the surge protector to the electrical bus bar and the neutral bus bar.
Make sure you buy from a brand with its panel. Use the help of a licensed electrician for professional assistance.
Protecting your home from power surges
Power surges are a sudden and common occurrence in homes with outdated or overloaded systems. Taking preventive measures seriously, your home can be protected from power surge damages.
There aren’t many steps you can take to prevent a power surge. However, your home can be completely protected from both external and internal surges. If you experience a concurrent power surge, call a local electrician as your home appliances may need immediate electrical upgrading.