Modern Australian

What Software Upgrades Should I Make for My Company?

  • Written by Shan Ge

Automation is the name of the game these days, for small businesses and larger organizations alike. Legacy systems aren't cutting it anymore in a fast-paced world of big data, and unless you start making some serious software upgrades, you'll struggle to remain competitive or even relevant. Of course, if you're still relying on legacy solutions, it can be hard to know which areas of your business need the most attention.

Think about what's most important to your business. Your customers are your most valuable resource in any business, right? Without great customer service, you'll have a difficult time retaining them, and every good business owner knows that it's easier to retain existing customers than it is to attract new ones. Speaking of valuable resources, data is one of the most powerful resources available to any organization, but you can only monetize it properly when it's accurate and current. You'll need a reliable way to develop and improve your software solutions as you continue to upgrade your business as well. Here are just a few of the best software upgrades you can make.

Nearshore Software Development

These days, it's extremely common to have employees who work away from your main business location. Outsourcing has been popular for a few decades now, and it looks like some level of remote work is here to stay, due to COVID-19. Today, it's becoming more and more common for businesses to outsource their IT departments and software development divisions to save themselves from the in-house hiring and training costs for such professionals.

A nearshore software development company may be just what you need to build your innovative software solutions without the need for an in-house team. Nearshore outsourcing has the benefits of timezone alignment, proximity, and cultural similarities between your in-house team and your new tech team, not to mention the fact that they'll handle your talent acquisition for you.

Data Management

Having constant access to current and accurate data can easily put you ahead of your competitors, thanks to the actionable insights you'll gather from your systems on a daily basis. You can't rely on the manual transfer of data between disparate data sources, though. This process is not only error-prone; it's also extremely time-consuming, and by the time you have the data, it's likely to be out of date.

This is where master data management (MDM) comes in. These systems typically use a process known as data virtualization to automatically convert data into the right format to feed into a centralized system. With a single source of truth-displaying data from all your connected systems, you'll have the full picture of your business processes and how to improve them.

Call Center Software

Your call center is often the first point of contact between your brand and potential customers when your sales team is making outbound calls, and it's one of your most important lines of defense for addressing customer questions and concerns. The last thing a customer needs is to be placed on hold when they're already frustrated, so it's a great idea to invest in hosted call center software to provide exceptional customer experiences.

A modern contact center can avoid placing customers on hold, thanks to smart routing options like interactive voice response (IVR) that connects customers to the right agent for their needs as quickly as possible. A cloud platform can easily integrate with any systems you're already running, and that isn't even the best part.

Customers don't have to rely on just making phone calls anymore. They can contact your agents using their preferred digital channels, whether that's text, SMS, email, live chat, your mobile app, and more. Even better, thanks to true omnichannel routing, customers can seamlessly switch between communication methods, all while staying in contact with the same customer support agent. This saves everyone's time and spares customers the headache of repeating themselves to new agents.

When you can provide this level of convenience, as well as a memorable custom experience for each customer, you'll be able to stand out from your competition and inspire greater customer loyalty.