Modern Australian

Asking yourself if Kinesiology is a Science or just spiritual mumbo jumbo? Yep – you wouldn’t be the first

Although this has tried and tested methods rooted in Science, there are stigmas attached to kinesiology that have been set in the early 2000’s which is now branded it as witchcraft. This is unfortunate because the simple answer is ‘yes kinesiology is a science’!

Did you know that the American Kinesiology Association shows more than 100 international journals with connections to kinesiology and identifies over 3000 Associates, Bachelor degrees, Masters degrees, and PhD degree programs within the United States. This hasn’t been published for Australia or Sydney (these numbers are hard to find), however the facts remain the same around the world.

Although the question is simple at first glance, we need to understand the role that health and wellbeing play on our body (impact on the CNS, digestion, blood flow etc), our stress/anxiety and mood. In most cases, Kinesiology addresses these issues both directly and indirectly with it's complete practices used for a variety of underlying medical conditions (which can be extremely difficult to test in a laboratory).

Just the image above can show us that it’s got a lot of complexities. Kinesiology is not black and white - it covers mind, body, emotions and the one that challenges the theory the most - spirit. For example aromatherapy massage is an incredible gift to the human body, encompassing all 4 pillars mentioned before.

Aromatherapy Massage
But what about the hard sciences to the efficacy of Aromatherapy? Below outlines the clear sciences behind Aromatherapy with positive impacts of

> Antioxidant properties
> Combating dandruff
> Insomnia
> Pain management
> Combating hair lice
> Hormone levels, memory loss
> Anti-tumor properties.

Ok I can tell that you now think we are full of **** but yes you read that correctly - the impacts of aromatherapy oils have been shown to reduce the growth of human melanoma
"Tea tree oil and terpinen-4-ol both were able to retard the growth of human melanoma M14 WT cells andM14 adriamicin-resistant cells. This action was linked to apoptosis via caspase-dependent mechanism in melanoma cells. 5-Fluorouracil treatment is enhanced in human colon cancer cells if sensitized bygeraniol, a component of plant essential oils. Efforts are being made to establish the link between essential oils and their anti-tumor activity."

So what else in Kinesiology can be backed by science? Is it just aromatherapy massage? Nope, the question of is kinesiology a science - 2022 research continue to fight for a resounding yes. Acupressure is another example.

Starting life in China, acupressure has been used in different ways since 2000BC, with the English name dating back to 1958! As we continue to ask the question, we need to look beyond the traditional and spiritual roots to truly understand how this impacts the human body. Typically acupressure is used across the world as a preventative and maintenance method for a broad array of medical treatments, identifying muscular problems, preventing nausea, pain relief and combating anxiety.

One research paper looked at the affects of acupressure on patients before open heart surgery, they found "Based on the results of this study, the application of acupressure in patients who are candidates for open-heart surgery can reduce their state anxiety", but I can tell you are still not convinced? Another research paper “Acupressure is a non-invasive and non-pharmacological intervention with multidimensional roles and benefits. Current investigations substantiate the traditional claims and validate use of acupressure for painless treatment of numerous diseases”

For the final nail in the coffin, did you know that Kinesiology is proven to help with weight loss? With diet plans tailored to the 4 pillars we spoke about earlier and of coarse counter balancing the challenges in your life with the right food and supplements, Kinesiology has been scientifically proven to help with the following:

> Digestion problems.
> Adrenal fatigue (hormone imbalance causing highs and lows in our energy levels).
> Food intolerances.
> Circulation and blood pressure.
> Increased and stable energy levels. 
> Improved immune strength. 
> Targeting metabolism as well as foods that aid and impede with metabolic speed.
> PMS, abdominal cramps, period pain, irregular cycles and amenorrhea. 
> Hydration. 

So overnight you will be immune to stress, slimed and toned, not heart problems, perfect circulation, endlessly relaxed and never feel pain again… ok so maybe it’s not that good – but to anyone who is even slightly interested – you MUST try this.

Start a session today with North Shore Kinesiology