Modern Australian

Top 5 Perks Of Enzyme-Based Cleaning

Enzymes are naturally occurring substances that are present in all living beings. These tools of nature act as bio-catalysts that not only speed up chemical reactions but also break down complex molecular structures into small simpler components without undergoing any changes in themselves.

Enzyme-based cleaners are sustainable cleaning products that use bacteria to eliminate waste, odours, and soils and are often used for cleaning organic waste. The bacteria in these cleaners produce enzymes that break down dirt, dust, and germs into smaller, less complex pieces so that the microbes can easily consume and eliminate them.

Once the organic waste is broken down into smaller pieces, it becomes a food source for the bacteria. After digestion, the organic waste molecules are further disintegrated into two basic compounds, water and carbon dioxide.

  • How are Enzyme-Based Cleaners Different From Alkaline and Acidic Cleaners?

The working mechanism of enzyme-based cleaners is completely different from alkaline and acidic disinfectants, with the former being a surgeon's scalpel and the latter being like an atomic bomb.

The bacteria present in enzyme-based cleaners target a very specific contaminant and targets that only. Unlike conventional cleaners like alkaline, petrochemicals, and acids, cleaning with enzymes has no unintended consequences or collateral damage.

Because enzyme-based cleaners work on a specific target only and do not stray out of their path of action, you will seldom find warning labels or lists of unwanted side effects on them. These enzyme-based cleaners are reusable, and the bacteria is activated every time to add water.

Top 5 Advantages of Using Enzyme-Based Cleaners

  1. Enzyme-Based Cleaners Will Save You Time

Enzymes play the role of catalysts in chemical reactions and speed up the process significantly. If you apply the same theory in cleaning, this means that enzymes quickly break down organic waste and eliminate it completely from the surface it is used on.

Enzyme-based cleaners can increase the momentum of chemical reactions by 1,000,000 times and reduce the contact time with the surface by a huge margin. Therefore, if you are using enzyme-based cleaners, it saves you a lot of time in achieving a germ-free surface.

  1. Enzyme-Based Cleaners Are Highly Flexible and Adaptable

These sustainable cleaners can be used on all surfaces, including metals, glass, plastic, and composite products. While it is true that enzymes work best at certain pH levels and temperatures, they still perform exceptionally well outside these specified levels.

Therefore they are flexible and can adapt to environmental conditions outside their optimum working range. However, keep in mind that enzyme concentration and water quality significantly influence the cleaners' efficacy.

  1. Enzyme-Based Cleaners Are Sustainable and Safe For the Ecosystem

Compared to inorganic chemical-based cleaning products like acids and petrochemicals, enzyme-based cleaners are safer and more sustainable for the environment. Enzyme-based cleaners do not cause unintended damage and follow a specific action path during the cleaning process.

  1. Enzyme-Based Cleaners Are Best Suited to Clean Difficult Stains

There is always a time when we encounter a stubborn stain that refuses to go away. If you face this problem, go for enzyme-based cleaners immediately. These organic cleaners work their magic on stubborn stains and spots when everything else fails.

The enzymes produced by the bacteria disintegrate the complex molecules and easily clean even the toughest spots. Furthermore, enzyme-based cleaners are also effective in controlling bad odour.

  1. Enzyme-Based Cleaners Keep the Surface Clean for Long Duration

Unlike their inorganic counterparts, bio-enzymatic cleaners keep the surface sterile and clean long after application. The bacteria and the enzyme they produce keep working until the last trace of dirt and bad odour is eradicated, thus saving costs and time and enhancing productivity.

Where Can You Use Enzyme-Based Cleaners?

Bio-enzymatic cleaners have several applications in both residential and commercial settings. Here are some of the areas where enzyme-based cleaners are used for a thorough cleaning:

  • Medical and surgical equipment

  • Clogged drains

  • Stained and smelly carpets

  • Bathrooms and restrooms

  • Laundry and utensil cleaning

  • Uric acid and urine odours

In Conclusion

Bio-enzymatic disinfectants are a sustainable cleaning solution for your home or workplace. However, selecting the right product for the right soil is important. So, if you apply enzyme-based cleaners for carpets on bathroom floors, do not expect great results at the end of the process. Always do your research and invest in a high-quality bio-enzymatic cleaner.

Author Bio:

Lyndal Hanley is the Marketing Strategist at Hanley Industrial Enterprises.

With over 15 years experience in the industrial & commercial cleaning industry, Lyndal guides the creation of content on the Hanleys website, social media and other key marketing channels.