Is Your Beloved Tree Dying? These Are The 4 Signs
- Written by Modern Australian

There is nothing worse than watching a prize tree on your property come to the end of its natural life. Trees can live for hundreds of years, however, most found in suburbia can live for a lot less.
If you have bought a property with an established array of trees you could find that a few may have their time up.
Below, some of the early warning signs are discussed so that you know what lies ahead.
Bare Branches
One of the first signs that your tree is waning can be seen in its branches. Branches may start to become sparse or bare, with little to no leaves growing. This could be a sign that your tree is struggling with either age or a lack of nutrients in the soil.
Losing Limbs More Frequently
Another hint that your tree is getting older is the frequency of losing limbs. It is normal to lose some due to weather and other conditions, but if your tree is losing more than usual this can signify a problem.
Compromised Root System
Roots are the life force of a tree. If you are observing that the tree is leaning over increasingly this could be a sign that its root system is failing to support it. It is always a good idea to have your tree’s roots checked regularly as part of your routine tree maintenance.
Losing Bark
You could find that an old tree is increasingly losing its bark. If this is the case, then it could be a sign that the tree is struggling with age. Seasonally, some tree types will lose their bark so this alone is not a cause for concern.
If you suspect that a tree is dying it is best to call in an experienced local arborist for an opinion. An expert will be able to perform inspections and assess what is going on. They may still be able to nurse the tree back to health so time is critical.
Why You Should Remove A Dying Tree
Dying Trees present a significant safety concern. Branches can break unpredictably and the whole tree could come crashing down. A dead or dying tree that is too close to a building could also present a big risk.
Removing a dying tree can also help you create more space for new trees to be planted that can flourish.
As the trees on your property age, they will become slightly higher maintenance. However, with this slightly increased workload, you will find that they add so much to the property in terms of aesthetics and also usefulness (shade, privacy etc).
If you suspect that a tree on your property is dying, it is always best to call in an experienced arborist.