Modern Australian

Emerging Trends in Level 2 ASP Services

Electricians play a crucial role in Australia. Their services are not only required by residential and commercial clients but by a wide range of industries. Some of these industries include the mining, manufacturing, construction, waste management, and water resource industries.

As a result, there seems to be an ever-growing demand for their services. But despite the increasing demand, measures are taken to ensure that electricians are truly qualified.

A professional grading system is one of the ways this is done. It is in light of this that there are apprentices, level 1, and level 2 electricians. If you are interested in finding out more about this grading system, you can visit:

For the record, level 2 ASP (Accredited Service Provider) electricians are top in this grading system. This is a result of the sort of complex tasks that they are accredited to perform. But as is the nature of this profession, professionals need to constantly adapt to industry trends. More about how level 2 electricians do this will be discussed here.

How Level 2 ASP Electricians are Adapting to Industry Trends

Discussed below are some of the several ways that level 2 electricians have to adapt to industry trends and demands:

Service Expansion

There is a limit to the kind of tasks that can be executed at the level of apprenticeship and even level 1 ASP. As a result, professionals who only have the level 1 grade are usually confined to offering their services to residential and some commercial clients.

However, things are a lot different with level 2 professionals. For starters, they are not only accredited by the regulatory authority. In addition to this, they are accredited by pertinent service providers to execute a wide range of electrical tasks involving them. They are also highly qualified to meet industrial electricity needs.

Extensive and Periodic Training

Level 2 electricians are more trained to perform electrical tasks than level 1 professionals. This is quite understood given that they are accredited to perform more complex tasks.

However, the training process is not a one-time kind of training. Rather, there is a periodic need to undergo training. This is a requirement for renewing their operational license. The question is why the system is structured this way.

For starters, it is so that these professionals are constantly aware of the right things in this line of work. Furthermore, it is a result of the constant need to adapt to innovations and industry trends. The rise in the use of electric vehicles and how electricians need to adjust in light of this development drives home this point.

Adapting to New Technologies

There is a wide range of new technologies that have revolutionized how electricians in Australia and beyond operate. Some of them are discussed below:

Electrical Diagnosis

Electrical diagnosis is the process of analysing an electrical installation. This is especially to figure out faults. This procedure can be very complex and time-consuming, depending on the nature of the fault and the kind of electrical installation.

Fortunately, electrical diagnosis is a lot easier in this modern age. This is a result of new inventions that aid this process.

Special equipment like sensors, testers, drones, and cameras help in this regard. As a result, level 2 electricians need to familiarize themselves with the use of these new technologies. This is a necessity as regulatory bodies demand it. It is equally a necessity given how the incorporation of these newer technologies saves time, and money, as well as offering ease and safety.

Digital Tools

Some digital tools contribute immensely to ensuring proper communication with clients, service providers, or co-workers. This could be mobile applications for example.

Some digital tools also offer practical electrical solutions. For example, there are specialized software applications for energy management. This kind of software application offers practical solutions that include fault detection and accurate monitoring of energy consumption.

Renewable Energy

There is a surge in the number of consumers opting for renewable energy products and power supply. As a result, level 2 electricians need to adapt in this regard. This is equally because government-backed initiatives are driving this change.

In light of this, these professionals need to acquaint themselves with renewable energy products and power sources. For example, they need to know how to install, maintain, repair, and replace solar panels. Once again, it is for reasons such as this these professionals are supposed to undergo periodic training.

Safety Equipment

Safety is paramount in this profession. As a result, new technologies are also aimed at ensuring that electricians are safer in the line of duty. However, these professionals need to know the latest safety equipment and how to utilize them for enhanced safety.

Energy-Efficient Technology

Energy efficiency is one of the expected features of high-quality electrical products. This is important given how such products reduce operational costs on the part of consumers. These professionals are expected to know these products and recommend, as well as install them for clients.

Electric Vehicles

There was a point in time when EVs (electric vehicles) were uncommon in the country. Well, this is far from the case now as the number of electric vehicle owners has increased. You can read this article for more information on this.

As a result, these professionals need to acquaint themselves with most things about EVs. This is especially true with the installation, maintenance, and repair of EV charging stations.

Integration of Renewable Energy into Grid System

Level 2 ASP electricians are not just required to set up non-renewable power solutions for clients. Their services also extend to connecting the setup to the power grid. This offers several benefits including ensuring grid stability and power security. For example, the grid system is well able to manage peak demands as a result of this integration.


Electricians must always be willing to adjust to changing industry demands driven by new technologies and other factors. This also means that clients in need of electrical services in whatsoever capacity are better off with professionals who have adjusted swiftly to industry trends. So, this should be a priority when searching for electricians.