Modern Australian

A Family Lawyers’ Top Tips for Navigating Separation

  • Written by Carolyn Devries, founder of New Way Lawyers

Separation is undoubtedly challenging. Emotions run high, changes seem constant, and concerns about doing what’s best for your children can be stressful. As family lawyers, we've guided numerous families through this challenging journey. Here are our top recommendations for managing post separation parenting arrangements and tips for ensuring a smoother transition for everyone involved.

1. Get Expert Advice

It can be common to feel uncertain about how best to support your child during separation. It's crucial to tap into the knowledge of professionals who understand child development amidst family separations. Organisations such as Family Relationship Centres, Centrecare, and Relationships Australia have experts with strategies to help you navigate post-separation parenting. The best part is many of these invaluable resources are available at no cost.

2. Keep Your Children Out of the Crossfire

Always remember: your children love both parents. Personal feelings of resentment, anger, or sadness should remain just that – personal. Avoid burdening your child with your issues or using them as a communication channel. Negative talk about the other parent should be strictly off limits.

3. Use Constructive Communication

When interacting with your ex-partner, strive for clear, non-confrontational language. Dodge phrases like "You always..." or "You said," which can escalate tensions. Instead, try to be understanding and find middle ground. Aim to have an amicable co-parenting relationship, with an emphasis on respect, consideration, and a focus on your child’s needs.

4. Avoid Conflict

Children are resilient and can adapt to the changes that come with separation. However, ongoing parental conflict is something children struggle with. Shielding your child from any fights or bickering is of the utmost importance. Continuous exposure to such conflict increases children’s risk of emotional distress and potential mental health issues down the line.

5. Consider a Formal Parenting Agreement

Drafting a parenting plan or obtaining formal parenting orders can be beneficial. Formalised agreements reduce blurred lines, decrease potential conflicts, and provide a consistent framework for your child. This sense of stability can be especially comforting for children who appreciate predictability.

Seek More Guidance?

Should you need further insight, consider reaching out to New Way Lawyers, Australia's pioneering non-profit family law firm.They also host a unique online Facebook group, Lunch with a Lawyer. Between 12 pm to 1 pm on weekdays, experienced family lawyers from the firm engage with members, addressing queries and sharing vital family law insights. Don't navigate this journey alone – lean on those who've been down the road and understand the separation process.


Carolyn Devries is the founder of New Way Lawyers is Australia’s first non-profit law firm. 13 years ago, New Way Lawyers was established with a non-profit structure to offer Australian’s an alternative approach to family law, whereas most family law firms structure their business model around generating profit.

Carolyn has also founded a Facebook group called Lunch with A Lawyer where people can ask their family law questions for free. A link to the group can also be found here.