What South Australian Lawyers Advise Motor Accident Victims They Can Claim For
- Written by NewsServices.com

If you have been in a motor accident, you can claim for more than the damage caused to your vehicle. There is also the matter of the injury to persons inside your motor car. This is not always a temporary injury but can equate to life-changing injuries and loss of earnings now and in the future.
So, it is more than worthwhile obtaining the advice of a good lawyer. The motor accident lawyers Adelaide will want to see that you receive a fair deal in terms of compensation, from what you have been through and may continue to go through as a result of your accident.
Personal Injury
When you are looking to claim for personal injury as a result of a motor accident, in respect of you and others inside your vehicle, this is where the advice of lawyers comes into its own. They can advise you about all that you are entitled to in terms of compensation.
A motor accident claim goes beyond vehicle damage and the costs associated with hiring another car or truck while the other one is repaired and put back to the state it was in before the accident. It is about whether someone can work again after the accident and the losses that will result in respect of that.
In the event of a motor accident, personal injury claims will include pain and suffering as well as loss of earnings. These can mean earnings that are lost for a few months while you recover physically or mentally from the motor accident or go beyond this and into years. Specialist equipment might need to be bought to support and look after someone who has been made disabled in the short or long term.
More permanent injuries can mean that someone never works again to full capacity. This loss of earnings can be considerable and a major hit to family income and the household budget. You will need, in this instance, to fight for every dollar because then you are only relying on savings and the income of others, who may have less earning capacity than you might have once had, for your financial survival. It potentially spells disaster when the main wage earner was involved in the accident. Help is at hand, though, because specialist lawyers, who have experience in dealing with motor accident cases specifically, will assist you with the legal, and therefore financial aspects, of your case, while family members assist you with the emotional ones.
Also, you can claim for expenses such as any clothing that was damaged as a result of the accident, and additional travel costs incurred. These might seem minor in comparison to personal injury compensation but it all adds up, and it is the lawyer who will earn their fee when making you aware of all of them.
How Can a Lawyer Help?
As mentioned, a motor accident lawyer will make sure that you receive your fair share of compensation, which includes everything that you are entitled to because it was a direct result of the accident. Past cases tell them all that will be involved with your case and set of circumstances. Life-changing injuries will entitle an injured party to life-changing sums of money. Any injury, even temporary whiplash, will result in significant financial compensation.
A motor accident lawyer will tell you that your mind is considered just as much as your body. Any trauma suffered will entitle you to compensation that, with a lawyer on your side, will be much easier to obtain. It can be a long process but a lawyer will be with their client every step of the way and supporting them until they receive the ultimate compensation that they deserve to be awarded. It can be a fight but a specialist lawyer is legally trained in handling the opposition involved in your particular case. In other words, those trying to lower your claim for their financial gain. Your lawyer would not let this happen and fight your corner for and with you.
Apart from what you can claim for, a South Australian motor accident lawyer will inform you about the 3-year deadline to claim for compensation after a motor accident. If permanent impairment is less than 10%, then filing between 20 months and 3 years will extend the income support payments received from 2 to 3 years. So, it pays not to leave things too long before you speak to a motor accident lawyer.
In conclusion, an Australian motor accident lawyer, like any other, will advise you that you can claim for more than just your vehicle. You can claim for any injuries sustained from a motor accident, whether temporary or permanent, physical, or mental injuries. Any expenses resulting from the accident can also be claimed. A motor accident lawyer will then make it all possible to claim by assisting you along the legal journey involved in receiving the full compensation due.