Modern Australian

5 Security Tips for Large Organisations and Businesses

  • Written by Modern Australian

Security is a topic of concern for almost all organisations and businesses. With the increase of technological advancements, the possibility of breaches increase as the methods criminals implement become more and more sophisticated. Where, in the past it was only a matter of keeping your valuables locked up and secure, it is now much more complicated.

We also now live in the information age, a world where digital breaches of sensitive data are all too common. This can make it relatively easy for the security of an existing business to be breached if they don’t have adequate protocols put in place. This article will give you some security tips that you can use for your large or even medium sized business or organisation.

Remotely Monitor Your Organisation

If you don’t already have some form of CCTV surveillance installed on your premises, we would recommend looking at getting a system as soon as possible. This is a must have and the first line of defence to protect your physical locations. It is common for almost all large organizations to have CCTV installed.

The advantage with CCTV is that it can continuously monitor all sites from one singular location. So one team of authorised personnel can be responsible for monitoring all locations. This is much better than having multiple small teams taking care of surveillance separately.

Risk Assess Each Site

Before proceeding with more intricate security measures we recommend an assessment of each site. This is so you can determine which level of security each site requires as the needs between each may vary.

This involves getting a security professional to walk through and list the potential vulnerabilities of each site. Then from this point we can determine what may or may not be required. This is an important step because many business owners skip straight to purchasing security equipment without first considering what may or may not be suitable.

So before spending the money ensure you go through an appropriate risk assessment.

Install Access Control Systems

Most businesses have some form of access control systems already in place. The only difference is what level or how stringent the measures are, typically all businesses have locks and some sort of control as to who has access to the keys.

But in our modern age we have access to much more sophisticated products. Things such as fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, smartphone powered access are all possibilities.

But before jumping to these somewhat sexier options one of the best things we can do is start off with FOB access. Having access cards with staff and visitor lanyards is one great way to customize access to individuals as well as making them easily identifiable to security staff on the premises.

Hire Skilled Security Guards

Maintaining a physical presence is also very important to deterring potential threats and this step really should go without saying. Having security on premises is fundamental for peace of mind. Guards can also assist in administrative tasks such as assigning staff and visitors with the appropriate access.

Ensure that you find suitably trained security staff or outsource staff from a reputable agency. Some security guards can also assist with the operation of more advanced security systems if they have experience in previous roles. The competence of your guards will pay the biggest dividends in the instance of an emergency situation or break in, so make sure you get skilled guards.

Implement Cyber Security Measures

In this day and age cyber and physical security should go hand in hand. Any cyber breaches could create vulnerability within the physical locations since sensitive data can be used to gain access.

The things that all businesses should do are akin to the things we do individually to keep our cyber lives secure. This means backing up data, using two-factor authentication, managing your passwords, using security software, encrypting important data and implementing security policies for staff.

We highly recommend you look into these additional measure as they form the bread and butter of most cyber security systems.

To Summarize

All in all, the security industry is ever evolving and we really need to stay on our toes as the methods of infiltration become more complex. This means keeping the basics of our security systems robust while also keeping an eye out on new developments within the space. I believe this proactive attitude will give you the best chances in holding up to any security threats that you may face. Stay diligent.