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7 Career Options after Masters in Finance

  • Written by Shreyak Sharma

Masters in Finance is one of the most reputable courses out there. The professionals who have gained a degree in Masters in Finance are considered to be an invaluable asset and without them, no organization can run smoothly as they are responsible for managing the flow of money within the organization and keep track of the investments of the company.

As this program is very competitive in nature, the top colleges offering Master in finance see a plethora of applications from the candidates who want to pursue a degree in the same field.

Following are seven career options that a Masters in Finance holder can opt for.

Financial Analyst

The job of a financial analyst is like that of a detective. The job of the analyst is to collect and study financial data pertaining to the market. The collected data will then have to be broken down to extract the information to help the organization with its progress.

Financial Services Sales Agent

Financial Services Sales Agent will deal with a client in the form of securities and commodities. Their job is to make profitable sales and purchase of commodities on behalf of their clients, in a way so that to maximize their returns on each investment. It would also include monitoring financial security and studying the financial market for analysis.

Financial Manager

A financial manager, sometimes known as the chief financial manager, is the professional sitting on top of all the finance-related things. This is generally an executive-level job title which will help keep the company’s financial goals in the right track. You would generally have a team of people working under you, carrying tasks like market analysis and budgeting.

Personal Financial Advisor

Sometimes the need is for a professional to do a simple task like managing one’s money and investments in the most amicable way. Personal Financial Advisors are professionals who help individuals in making their financial decisions and advice on future investments based on their individual goals which may include retirement plans, insurance protection, real estate planning and much more.

Investment Banker

Investment Bankers are individuals who are employed by banks and other such financial organizations. Their job includes advising companies and government organizations in the field of financial investment in order to raise their capital and have a high yield in their returns. This is one of the most sought-after jobs for most financial professionals and opens up many gateways for their future.

Financial Consultant

If an individual has worked quite a few years in the field and amassed a pool of knowledge, then they can always break off from the corporate sector to start a consulting firm of their own. They work on an advisory capacity, free to choose their own projects and work with whomever they feel like.

Insurance Finance Manager

The function of a financial manager is to help individuals with managing their finances in order to meet future goals. An insurance finance manager takes it one step further. along with helping with their finance, they will also help them procure good and affordable insurance for a commodity that they plan on purchasing, for example, a car.


In today’s market, there is a need for who understand the intricate workings of money structure and investment strategies. Master in Finance develops professionals who are responsible for monitoring the investments and, as visible from all the above examples, can fill many important roles.


Abhyank Srinet holds a Masters in Management degree from ESCP Europe & has an engineering degree with a specialization in Instrumentation & Control. His interest in the digital landscape motivated him to create an online start up for Masters in Management application consulting (, focused on spreading quality information about the MiM degree & performing application consulting services for clients. He is the chief consultant of the company and takes care of Business Development and Digital Marketing side of the company. He is very passionate about writing and marketing.


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