Meditation for Nurses: Tips and Benefits

Nursing is a tremendously rewarding career, but the constant tension and physical strain can be taxing. Meditation may be the answer for some people seeking to reduce stress and achieve better mental and emotional balance. Meditation has been around for thousands of years, and people have used it to connect with their spiritual selves. However, science has proven the rich rewards meditation can provide to those who practice it daily. In this article, we will discuss some tips and benefits of meditation.
Let's get started.
The Benefits of Meditation
Transcendental meditation is a relaxation method that eliminates distractions or unpleasant thoughts. According to WebMD, it is an old Indian technique that includes sitting comfortably while quietly repeating the same phrase or mantra.
You can utilize meditation to manage many health conditions that nurses may face. You can also use it to remove or reduce the damaging effects of stress and anxiety on the body. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, an analysis of data from 36 clinical pieces of research revealed that meditation reduced anxiety symptoms in approximately 70% of the trials. A 2014 review of data found that mindfulness meditation programs may also aid with anxiety and sadness.
If you are a nurse leader who wants to enhance your team's performance, consider adopting the transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership is one of the leadership styles in nursing management. In addition, motivate your team members to meditate daily.
Meditation may also positively affect blood pressure, which is often associated with high stress and anxiety levels. While the research is limited, the potential advantages are considerable. A 2012 research published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes discovered that African Americans with heart disease were 48% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke when they practiced meditation daily. Participants also reported lower blood pressure and less anger.
Meditation may also aid with pain management and sleeplessness. It can also increase self-awareness and help you focus on the now rather than the past. Purging negative emotions and ideas can also be beneficial.
Tips to Help you Get Started
Start Small and Build From There
You may have a mental image of yourself in a profound trance, sitting cross-legged on a rock from The Lion King. As a newbie, this is both unrealistic and terrifying! Begin by creating a realistic objective for yourself. For example, for five days, meditate for one minute every day and increase it a few minutes each day afterward.
Use Your Phone's Timer
The goal of meditation for nurses is to focus on a single idea or mantra to prevent their tensions and worries from taking over. If you meditate while keeping half an eye on your watch, all you're doing is adding stress to the situation. Use your phone's timer to immerse yourself even further in the meditation.
Find Some Peaceful Time.
Experienced yogis may discover inner serenity no matter where they are.
However, as a beginner, you'll want to select a peaceful spot away from coworkers or distracting noises.
Find Solace
Don't worry about spending money on expensive yoga mats or meditation cushions at first. You can meditate while sitting, lying down, or even walking. Find a meditation technique that works for you and is comfortable for you.
Find Your Focal Point
This is perhaps the most challenging aspect of meditation. It requires gradual practice. It is up to you what you focus on, but it is crucial to have a focal point throughout your meditation. Mantras, bodily relaxation, and breathing are the most prominent centers of emphasis.
Breathing: Take deep, controlled breaths. Slowly inhale (count to four), hold for seven counts, and then exhale for eight counts. Use the counting to help you stay focused, and return to it whenever your mind wanders.
Mantras to Repetition: Choose a word or phrase and mentally repeat it over and over. "Just be," "Time for me," and "I chose" are typical phrases.
Body relaxation: Focus your attention on a specific portion of your body, such as your shoulders, legs, or neck. As you concentrate, relax the muscles in those locations.
Accept Your Ideas
We've already indicated that distractions and anxious thoughts might come frequently. It is natural; don't give up or become frustrated with yourself if this happens. Accept and be aware that these ideas are entering your head right now. Another essential aspect of successful meditation for nurses is practicing this recognition before letting the thoughts go. Try to draw your attention back to your focal point.
Finally, Take Some Time for Yourself
Don't rush through your day after hearing your phone's bell or chime.
Take a few moments to gather your thoughts before establishing an intention for the remainder of the day. These alone times are when you will begin to notice more positive awareness throughout your day.
If You Prefer, You May Use an App
Apps such as Calm or Headspace are excellent for guiding you through the meditation process. These are fantastic choices for folks getting sidetracked by themselves.
How to Establish a Meditation Schedule as a Nurse?
Nurses often work long-hour shifts, rotating schedules, and frequently overnight shifts. It might be tough to find time — or even a peaceful area — to meditate during those hours. As a result, healthcare facilities have begun to include labyrinths in their campus designs to reduce anxiety. Walking a labyrinth may induce a peaceful state by providing solitude and an opportunity to think about your feelings.
However, there are hundreds of meditation techniques, with guided imagery and deep breathing being two of the most prominent.
While it may be easier to find peace at home, nurses may use these techniques almost anywhere, thanks to smartphone apps.
At work, an empty patient room, the hospital chapel, your car, the toilet, or the nurse's station are good locations.
Is meditation worth a nurse’s time? Absolutely! Considering the long hours you put in, meditation can help you relax and allow you to perform your job adequately. Meditation can also assist you in dealing with day-to-day job-related stress in a good and safe manner, enhancing your overall health. It is a free and easy mind-body approach that provides several advantages, including those connected to insomnia, high blood pressure, and depression.