Dental Health at an Older Age

We all say that age is just a number, and in many ways that is true. There are actually no reasons why we should be less active, less able to learn new skills or have less social interactions. So, while age doesn’t have to have an effect on your mind and social life, there are some things age does effect and which can’t be denied. Our bodies stop producing new cells in our mid-twenties, and by the time we get to an older age, our bodies slowly get worse. Some of the changes we can see, happen to our teeth, and here’s what should be looked out for:
Let’s face it, the image of an older person with dentures in a glass next to their bed is sort of an archetype, but there is a reason for it. With age, our gums can deteriorate and lose their structure, and our bones start to weaken. This can easily cause our teeth to become loose and fall out. Still, you shouldn’t worry: this is perfectly normal, and people get dentures all the time. They are custom made to fit your mouth and they can be extremely comfortable. And no, you won’t have to wait for all of your teeth to fall out. You can be fitted as soon as dentures are more practical than individual bridges. Yes, they require some work, and you will probably have to go through a few fittings until they are perfectly comfortable, but they are worth it.
Bad habits
A lifetime of bad habits can create a lot of problems with your oral health. If you’ve been neglecting your teeth, you can expect problems, no matter how good your genetics are. However, there is a less known problem: with some other illnesses, like dementia, it is possible for habits to worsen. For example, it is very common to forget parts of a daily routine, like taking care of hygiene and brushing your teeth. This can lead to worsening of dental health, and so creating a system to remind you of your daily habits will go a long way.
Root canal problems
As the years go by, it’s basically a miracle if you don’t have any cavities or root canal issues. And while cavities are relatively simple to fix, as your bones age, you might require some special care, and a regular dentist just won’t cut it. You can find a dentists who can treat your root canal in Sydney and who specializes in the pulp that the center of your tooth is made out of. They are able to provide you with the best care possible to fix any problem that may occur when fixing your teeth. Even though dentures are an option, having your own teeth in is not only helpful for better chewing, but it’s also a great confidence boost, even if you only have a few of your natural teeth left.
Cardiovascular disease
All bodies are connected, and our gums are susceptible to a lot of diseases if they are not properly taken care of. Also, besides causing our gums to waste away, an infection can travel through the body to the heart, which can present serious health dangers, especially if there are other conditions that have already weakened the heart or made it more susceptible to infection. It is also possible for a blood clot to form, potentially leading to a stroke or a heart attack.
Taking good care of our oral health is more important than we might think, and just because we’re in our golden years, doesn’t mean we should put it aside. You can live with the same quality of life well into your older age, and by taking care of your health, you can prolong your life by ensuring you won’t have any big interventions that can pose risks.