Modern Australian

The weirdest places people get nipped and tucked

A cosmetic surgery nurse and founder of Trusted Surgeons shares what she has seen....

The world of plastic and cosmetic surgery is vast and people’s reasons for having various types of procedures is just as expansive. Most people are aware of the most common types of surgery performed by plastic and cosmetic surgeons but there is another whole world of body modification procedures on offer. It takes all sorts to make the world go around and here is a list of some of the weirder things people ask for:

Six pack sculpting – traditional liposuction, normally used to just flatten areas, is used to etch out lines in the abdomen to create the look of a 6 or 8 pack. This is an advanced liposuction technique and is much more involved than your everyday simple liposuction. This is becoming more popular especially for men that try and try to attain the perfect 6 pack but can’t quite get there.

Asian Blepharoplasty – this is commonly termed as double-eyelid surgery or double fold surgery and is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure amongst Asians. This procedure generally makes the patient look more bright-eyed and the eye appears larger and more feminine. It is said that applying eyeliner is easier. Ultimately this makes the patient feel more attractive by achieving a certain look.

Belly button surgery – there are 2 types of people in this world. Innies and outies. Being an innie myself, I assume this is what normal people have. So, for me it’s not so weird for people with outies trying to join the innie camp. Outside of the obvious aesthetic look, it turns out (pardon the pun) that a lot of outie belly buttons are small umbilical hernias. A surgeon can perform a umbilicoplasty to repair this hernia and create the more aesthetically pleasing innie.

Eye implants – these silicone based iris implants are inserted into the eye to change the colour of your iris. Not sure what else to say here but there must be people out there wanting to permanently change the colour of their eyes. Each to their own!

Fake dimples – some people are born with dimples; the rest must have them surgically created by a plastic surgeon. This minimally invasive procedure known as a dimpleplasty, leaves no visible scar as the incision is made on the inside of the cheek in the mouth. A small suture is used to create the dimple, which is generally only seen when smiling.

Eye lash transplant – Everyone has heard about hair transplants on the top of your head but now you can have hair transplants to bulk up your thinning eye lashes. As we get older, eyelashes start thinning and even fall out. This hair transplant gives back your youthful look but does come at a price. Normal hair follicles continue to grow and need to be trimmed regularly. Curling may also be required.

Ear pointing – it is exactly as it sounds. A pointed ear is created by taking a small wedge out of the ear and sowing the remaining edges together. This creates a Spock like look from the cult series Star Trek. If you feel the need to permanently look like a pixie or elf, then this is the procedure for you.

Palm line modification – In Japan, there are people that surgically have the lines on their hands modified in the belief that it will change their fate. Way to go to pull the wool over your palm readers eyes.

Knee lift – apparently this is a thing to make your knees appear more youthful. For those that are concerned over the look of their knees, the loose saggy skin is removed, and the remaining skin is stitched back together tight like a tummy tuck. But unlike a tummy tuck, where the scar can be hidden in your panty line, there is no escaping the scar under your knee (unless you routinely wear super knee-high socks).

Tongue splitting – again as the name suggests, the tongue is split to a snake or lizard like appearance. This is not for everyone and certainly not functional, but it is one of the fastest growing body modifications sought after. Part of its popularity comes about from it easily being hidden away, and the surgery is quick and simple. When you get bored of this modification, its easily reversed. The first recorded split was in 1996, by a body piercer in the U.S.

Scrotox – yes, its Botox for the scrotum. Squirmish gentleman please look away now! Personally, I struggle to see someone getting this, but some people go to the extreme for beauty. This procedure relaxes all the skin of the scrotum and creates a smooth like appearance making it appear larger and even make the testicles hang lower. Say goodbye to wrinkly scrotums! Who comes up with this??

Surgery, no matter how small, is serious business. As always, the decision to have surgery of any sort requires a detailed discussion with your Surgeon to discuss your wishes and make sure you understand the risks and benefits of your chosen procedure. Do your research and always chose a Trusted Surgeon.

By: Nicole Montgomery

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