Modern Australian

The Top Tips To Help Reduce Your Utility Bills In Australia

Things are becoming a little tighter are many families all across Australia and so many are looking at ways to help reduce their utility bills over the course of a month and over the year as well. The price of electricity seems to be on the rise and so if you are experiencing larger bills than normal then it may be time to talk to your family members about how you can all collectively do something to help to bring the amounts in these bills down. It is going to take a concerted effort from everyone and you are going to have to especially talk to the kids to get them to use their devices less and to start turning off appliances and lights when they leave rooms.

Children do not have a firm appreciation of how difficult it is to make money and they don’t seem to have any appreciation of how much energy they use every day just by not listening to you and ignoring any advice that you give them. One of the main appliances that we use here in Australia is our aircon and so we now need to start looking for options like smart air conditioning that is going to help us save money because these particular units use less electricity. If you would like some top tips on how to help reduce your utility bills in your property then maybe the following can help.

  • Adjust your thermostat - This applies to both heating and cooling in a home, and if you would just lower your thermostat by a few degrees then this can end up saving you an incredible amount of money over the course of a year. Many people who follow this advice report that their utility bills fall by around 10% year on year. We can always rely on technology to help us and so if programmable thermostat will make the necessary changes for you.

  • Go easy on the hot showers - Teenagers have a very nasty habit of spending an incredibly long time taking a shower and they take wash, lather and repeat to new levels. You as the head of the household need to explain to them that the longer they stay in the shower, the more water that they use and the heater has to work harder as well. It might seem a little strange but maybe if you set aside a certain amount of time for a shower for each person in the house, this may help to reduce your bills.

Some other great pieces of advice will include getting rid of your old appliances that burn through electricity in a very short space of time. There are so many more energy-efficient models currently available and they can use 12% less energy than your older appliances and around 30% less water for showers and washing machines for example. We do enjoy off-peak prices here in Australia and so this is when you should be doing your laundry or ironing your clothes.


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