Top Tips For Trading CFD That Will Make 2019 Your Best Trading Year
- Written by News Company
It doesn't matter whether you are looking for CFD trading tips for your demo account or live account. One thing you should know is that becoming a better trader doesn't happen overnight but over time. When it comes to CFD trading, there are no get rich tips or strategies to turn you into an instant success. However, if you're looking to build a solid foundation that you can use to trade CFD then you are in the right place.
Here are some of the top tips for trading cfd that will make 2019 a better trading year for you.
Ensure that your trading plan is well defined
Whether you are a mechanical system trader or a discretionary trader, you need to establish a sensible trading plan. Within your plan you should highlight the following key points:
What is your risk management strategy? This features the amount of risk you are willing to allocate to each trade based on the size of your stop loss and money management strategy.
What is your money management strategy? This features the amount of capital you are ready to place on each trade.
What is your initial stop loss? When your money management model involves trading the fixed percentage risk per trade, you are required to know your stop loss level in order to calculate the size of your position.
What is your in-profit stop loss? When in profit, you need to identify a stop loss. A good example of this is a trailing stop loss.
Your entry strategy. Ensure that you test as many entry set ups as you can to prove to yourself that it works.
Be sure to check the economic calender daily. Thanks to advancement in technology, there are several trading apps that can help you keep an eye on high impact events that take place daily.
Have a record keeping strategy. Ensure you have a journal where you keep all your daily statistics for trading cfd.
Having a well-researched and established CFD trading plan will come through for you in many ways including keeping you calm during the heat of the moment as well as help boost your confidence.
Ensure that your 2019 trading goals are realistic yet clearly defined
If you want to make a decent living through buying and selling any financial instruments this year, always remember that survival is paramount. You can do this by paying extra attention to the following steps:
Step 1: Identify what it is that you want for your trading career
Step 2: Focus daily on making it happen
Step 3: Steer clear of all distractions that might keep you from achieving your goals
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3.
Be disciplined
After creating your CFD trading plan ensure that you are disciplined enough to stick to it religiously. Think of all the countless hours and sleepless nights that you put in when researching for trading tricks and methods. With a carefully defined trading plan, you need to trust that what you are doing is right and the rest will take care of itself. Therefore, after building a trading system, be disciplined to keep to its trading rules.
Have a positive mindset
While trading cfd is a serious career, don't treat it like it is life or death. Loosen up a little and have some fun while you take your time to learn about the basic foundations of CFD trading. Ensure that you develop a positive attitude along the way to a successful career. Having worked hard to establish an edge with your trading technique, give yourself the opportunity to experience a series of wins.
Trust in yourself and your trading abilities, ensure that you use positive affirmations every day to help you maintain a positive mindset. If you want to make 2019 your best trading year, you need a dedicated plan and action. So why not start now?