Modern Australian

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Assuming university is required, the following results were found.

are SUVs and 4WDs safer than other cars?
The Sydney suburbs around me are clogged with huge 4WD cars which have never seen a dirt road. I think people buy them because they think they are safer. Are they? – Petrina of Greenwich The popularity of SUVs, 4WDs and commercial utilities is showing...
Simple Tips For Living On A Student Budget
It’s no secret that your university years are unlikely to be the wealthiest of your life. It’s tough to juggle work and full time studies, and not everyone gets substantial grants to help them along the way, so for many students, getting by financially...
Australia is home to some phenomenal education institutions and choosing which one to enrol with can be an important (and often tricky) decision. However, while tuition is a vital aspect when deciding which institution to study with, your choice of...
federal budget will widen gap between rich and poor
The Morrison government’s pre-election budget has not been the bonanza some predicted. It is a fairly modest affair. But calculations by the the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, based at the University of Canberra, show the budget...
Are you walking your dog enough?
A running dog is a happy dog!James Ting/Unsplash, CC BY-SA Australia has nearly five million dogs, with nearly 40% of Australian households owning one. But it seems that 40% of Australian dogs are not walked enough and that a similar percentage of dogs...
Back to school blues: how to help your child with shyness
Excessively protecting your child and taking over, doesn’t allow them to learn through experience. Shutterstock This series draws on the latest research on back to school transitions. In it, the experts explain how best to prepare children for school,...
Michelle Grattan on Craig Kelly, Linda Reynolds and JobSeeker
University of Canberra Professorial Fellow Michelle Grattan and University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Paddy Nixon discuss the week in politics. This week Michelle and Paddy discuss the continued probe into the culture of the...
What makes a good psychologist or psychiatrist and how do you find one you like?
Hi, I have mental health issues and I would like to know what makes a good or bad psychiatrist, psychologist or neuropsychologist. Key points Understanding the different roles of psychologists and psychiatrists, and how they align with your needs, will...
Sex, technology and disability – it's complicated
People living with disability are largely excluded from conversations about sexuality, and face overlapping barriers to sexual expression that are both social and physical. Media portrayals of sexuality often focus on a visual and verbal vocabulary...
COVID changed the way we use drugs and alcohol — now it's time to properly invest in treatment
During crises and disasters, alcohol and other drug use often changes. But the changes are not straightforward and impacts may be different for different groups of people. There doesn’t seem to have been significant overall increases or decreases in...
It's time for Anthony Albanese to get angry
Remember Scott Morrison’s promise in May 2019: “You vote for me, you’ll get me. You vote for Bill Shorten and you’ll get Bill Shorten.” As well as attacking Shorten, Morrison was also signalling that the rules around the Liberal leadership had changed....
A budget and (more) talk of bullying before voters are sent to the polls
University of Canberra Professional Fellow Michelle Grattan and University of Canberra Associate Professor Caroline Fisher discuss the week in politics. They canvass Tuesday’s giveaway budget, aimed at enticing back voters who, according to the polls,...
'I didn't know that world existed': how lesbian women found a life in the armed forces
Cadets march in the 2014 Sydney Mardi Gras. Jake Badior/Commonwealth of Australia , CC BY-NC-ND Jennifer, who signed up to the Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) in 1979, told me that “until I joined the Army, I had no awareness of gay people....
Why the difficult person at work probably isn't a psychopath
Our workplace and work processes may be contributing to stress and bad behaviour. shutterstock As workplaces become increasingly difficult and damaging environments, there are plenty of articles and books on dealing with “psychopaths” among your...
Biomining the elements of the future
Joey Kyber/Pixels , CC BY-SA Biomining is the kind of technique promised by science fiction: a vast tank filled with microorganisms that leach metal from ore, old mobile phones and hard drives. It sounds futuristic, but it’s currently used to produce...
How 'slow science' can improve the way we do and interpret research
Slow science is a reminder of what is wonderful and creative in scientific work, but it's under threat. Shutterstock/asseny Scientists don’t usually get involved in politics. But they took to the streets in last April’s March for Science , spurred by...
Asia is set for a difficult year in 2018 – much of it centred around China
China is increasingly viewed by the United States as a full-spectrum adversary. Shutterstock In 2017 we finally realised that the four decades of geopolitical stability enjoyed by Asian countries and societies had come to an end. In 2018, the major...
Curious Kids: Why do we have bones?
Our bones grow and change over our whole life. Marcella Cheng/The Conversation , CC BY-NC-ND This is an article from Curious Kids , a series for children. The Conversation is asking kids to send in questions they’d like an expert to answer. All...
The elephant in the planning scheme: how cities still work around the dominance of parking space
All that land set aside for parking is also an opportunity to ask what the real value of parking space is. Tequast/Wikimedia Commons , CC BY-SA Car parking is expected but often unnoticed, taking up surprisingly large proportions of city space . A...
Tasmania the first test in an election-laden year
The March 3 Tasmanian election, announced on Sunday, will be the opening contest in an election-heavy year that will see three state polls, with the expectation of federal byelections as well. But, Malcolm Turnbull says, people won’t be casting a...

Results 21 - 286 of 286