5 Benefits Of Private Education That Will Secure Your Child's Future
- Written by NewsServices.com

Choosing to send your child to one of the best private schools can seem like an expensive decision, but it’s worth it when you look at the long-term benefits of the education they’ll receive. This type of schooling will help them develop more critical thinking skills, achieve better academic results, and even perform better on standardised tests like the SAT or ACT. Ultimately, these positive outcomes will put your child in a much better position as they enter adulthood. Here are five of the top benefits that parents should consider if they want to secure their child’s future with a high-quality private education.
5 Benefits of Private Education That Will Secure Your Child's Future
Better Grades
If your child is struggling in school, maybe it’s time to consider a change. If your child is struggling in school, maybe it’s time to consider a change. Christian Schools Perth can provide that change by offering smaller class sizes and teachers who have more time for each student. Smaller classes mean more individual attention—and with it, better grades. A smaller classroom environment also offers students an opportunity to make friends outside their own clique and work together with those kids on common goals like a quiz bowl team or mock trial club. It’s hard to be motivated when you feel like you don’t fit in, so going to a new school might be just what your child needs. And of course, when kids perform better academically, they also improve their chances at getting into college – another benefit of private education.
Better Behaviour
The structure, routine, and discipline of a private school can bring about better behaviour. According to a Stanford University study, children in private schools are half as likely to skip class, 40% less likely to be tardy, and 50% less likely to be suspended or expelled. It’s not hard to see why: when a student misbehaves, teachers don’t have to go through an administrator or parent—they can just deal with it themselves. Plus, students often recognize that they aren’t just learning for the sake of learning: their actions matter at school because when they grow up, their actions will matter at work.
Higher Earnings
If you’re looking to provide a boost to your child’s future earnings potential, private school could be just what you need. Some studies have shown that college students who attended private high schools are more likely to graduate and go on to attend a four-year college. College grads, as we all know, tend to have higher earning potential and earning potential typically increases over time. With private education, they start at an early age with smaller classes, better instructors, and facilities that allow them to flourish academically—giving them an advantage when it comes time for post-secondary education.
Better Career Options
It may seem like a bit of a no-brainer, but earning a degree from an accredited university (instead of from some less reputable source) will improve your child’s chances for landing a good job. Employers are looking for candidates with credentials; it doesn’t matter if you paid for your education at an Ivy League school or if it was all self-funded — if you don’t have that piece of paper proving your knowledge, employers will look right past you. Also, many industries require certain degrees or certifications before they'll consider someone for hire; if your child doesn't have those, he or she will be out of luck. So while a degree isn't everything, it's still pretty darn important!
Greater Sense of Belonging
Children at private schools are more likely to feel like they belong, because they're surrounded by other kids with similar interests and expectations. Since these schools tend to attract students who are more comfortable with their environment, your child will be surrounded by kids who have already succeeded in similar areas. In other words, your child won't feel lost in a new school—there will be plenty of friends and peers he or she can relate to. This feeling of belonging is a big deal when it comes to grades and performance, so if you'd like your child to do well in school, then give him or her every opportunity for success. This means enrolling them in a private school—especially one that values extracurricular activities as much as academics.