Transmira and Kognition Join Forces to Deliver Experiential Reality (XR)
- Written by Samantha Miles

The coronavirus pandemic has inevitably changed the way people do business, shop, play and socialize. With everyone’s concern focused on curbing the spread of the virus and keeping their families and loved ones safe, daily outdoor activities have been limited to the minimum and redirected online. This online shift has allowed for many industries to grow and for innovations to be created in order to keep up with the increasing demand for better technology.
Transmira, Inc. is one of the companies pioneering a new technology that aims to provide a safer space for individuals to interact with other people and earn money, as well as for businesses and brands to have a new and more effective avenue for reaching their target markets and consequently increasing sales and revenues. The Raleigh-based start-up has developed Omniscape, creating an entirely new technology with its experiential reality (XR) platform, which is a blend of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) composed of smart cities and intelligent architecture.
Omniscape is like virtual real estate on blockchain, where users can buy digital locations for a very small amount and own it for two years. In this metaverse, people can earn money—real money, not game currency—by reselling their property when its value goes up and whenever brands decide to advertise on their space or businesses want to create content on their property.
“The idea is we want to make it easy for people to make money and keep it low and accessible. And you can speculate, like domain names, ‘I’m going to buy cool locations and resell them or I’m going to try and anticipate where the market’s going to grow, where people are, where the activity is,’” Transmira founder and CEO and Omniscape developer Robert Rice said during an episode of CoinGeek Conversations.
And in order to deliver the next-generation XR platform, Transmira, Inc. has joined forces with Philadelphia-based company Kognition developing enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) technology for commercial property.
“The exciting part of integrating Kognition’s AI with Transmira’s XR technology is the opportunity for truly end-to-end digital transformation of a venue, as well as how users interact with and engage with the space. This holistic approach is the future of smart spaces and truly amplifies the power of our smart building AI, resulting in enhanced customer experiences, streamlined operations, cost-effective security controls and most importantly, safer spaces for people,” co-founder and CEO of Kognition Matias Klein said.
“We are very excited to announce today’s partnership with Kognition as part of our growing XR consortium of companies. With our Omniscape technology and XR platform, we bring location to life using AR and VR technology, AI-driven holograms, data visualization, interactive content, as well as unique monetization capabilities. This creates new revenue streams, engages consumers and completely changes the way we interact with each other, as well as with our work, play and social spaces. This is a tremendously important initiative that is set to change the face of cities all around the world, with game-changing potential for a variety of industries and use cases, as we build our planet in a more intelligent and sustainable manner,” Rice added.
Omniscape is somewhat like a far superior version of Pokémon GO, wherein 3D twins of the world’s geography and structures are created in a realistic manner and wherein benefits cross to the real world. And with Kognition on board, the results will be a far more amazing platform that has infinite possibilities. This is made possible as Omniscape is built on the Bitcoin SV blockchain, the only blockchain in production that is massively scalable to accommodate big data and microtransactions that can provide immutability and security of data. Bitcoin SV’s test network recently hit an all-time high that broke records with its 16.4 million transactions. It is also cost-efficient as the current average fee per transaction amounts to a tiny 0.0067 USD.
“There really is no choice when you compare the technical pieces: the size, speed, scale, cost; you’d have to be an idiot in my industry to do something else that’s not Bitcoin SV,” Rice explained.