What Packaging Materials are the Safest and Most Sustainable?
- Written by NewsServices.com

When it comes to packaging materials, we all want to be sure that they are safe and do not affect our products stored inside. This is especially the case when they are used to store items meant for consumption such as foods, cosmetics, and medicine. Especially in today’s world, where corporate safety and sustainability is essential, we have to think twice about the packaging we choose for our goods.
Traditionally, many products were packed in containers made from plastic or tin. Whereas plastic containers are popular throughout every industry, tin cans are most commonly used in the food industry. Nowadays, however, both these two traditional packaging methods are losing in popularity. The main reason behind this lies in the fact that both plastic and tin are not an environmentally friendly material and they furthermore do not offer the safest option to store our products. Both plastic and traditional metal tins made from tin or plated iron are not sustainable and contain numerous chemicals such as BPA. For plastic packaging, the material itself contains countless harmful chemicals whereas, for tin-plated iron tins, the coating does. As a result, more and more people tend to stay away from these traditional packaging materials and search for an alternative.
In their search for a more sustainable and safer packaging material, traditional tins and plastic packaging is often left behind. Instead, people tend to choose alternatives that are more environmentally friendly and also less likely to affect our health. Below, we’ll have a closer look at two common packaging materials that are considered to be the safest and most sustainable options available today.
Traditional metal packaging has been around for decades. Most commonly used in the food industry, tin cans are popular still today for canning and preserving foods. Nowadays, however, the popularity if traditional metal packaging is replaced by that of aluminum.
Aluminum packaging has not been along for a very long time compared to other, traditional, packaging materials. Nowadays, however, both aluminum bottles and tins are becoming increasingly popular. Especially in the food and cosmetic industry, aluminum tins and bottles are among the most used packaging materials.
Bottles and jars made from aluminum are popular due to numerous reasons. The first and by far the most important reason is that aluminum tops the list when it comes to sustainability. Aluminum is a fully recyclable material and one of the only materials that does not lose any of its original quality no matter how often it is recycled. Due to this, more than half of all aluminum tins and bottles in circulation already contain recycled materials. Through the recycling of packaging materials, companies can significantly reduce their packaging waste. And in today’s world, where sustainability is becoming a must, recyclable packaging materials are the number one choice for many green companies around the globe.
Another essential reason to understand the popularity of aluminum packaging is its food-safe rating. Together with glass, aluminum is the only type of packaging material that is considered to be 100% food-safe and BPA-Free. Aluminum is corrosion-resistant, hence it does not rust. As such, it does not need any chemical coatings like the one that traditional metal packaging has. Thanks to this, aluminum is a fully food-safe packaging material that does not affect your products in any possible way. This makes aluminum tins and bottles a highly popular packaging for cosmetics, foods, and even medicine.
Aluminum is furthermore durable and very affordable. Aluminum jars and bottles are available in any size imaginable and, unlike traditional metal packaging, feature a seamless design. This gives them a premium finish and makes them appealing to the eye. Aluminum itself creates an airtight barrier that keeps out external smells, moisture, and sunlight. As such, the shelf-life of your goods is increased significantly. Due to its countless benefits over other packaging materials in terms of design, durability, sustainability, and safety; aluminum packaging is becoming increasingly popular among many companies around the globe.
Glass is a true classic when it comes to packaging materials. Glass bottles and jars have been around for thousands of years. Nevertheless, it still today offers one of the most popular and, most importantly, safest packaging options. This because glass is a natural material that is extremely safe and sustainable to use.
Because glass is a natural material, it is safe to use around any type of goods including foods and cosmetics. Glass only includes natural materials and no chemicals such as BPA. Thanks to this, it does not affect your products in any way. Glass is, just as aluminum, one of the only materials considered to be 100% food-safe by the FDA. Glass furthermore creates a great barrier against moisture and air, which helps to maintain your product’s original quality.
Glass as a natural material is furthermore fully recyclable. Of all packaging materials in circulation, glass is one of the easiest to recycle. This makes it one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging options available today.
Last but certainly not least, glass packaging brings along another great benefit; it’s appearance. We can all agree that glass packaging such as jars and bottles simply looks amazing. As such, it is no surprise that it is often used by high-end companies to wrap up their premium goods. Sure, glass packaging may be a bit pricier compared to other wrappings, however, their premium touch and feel along with its safe and sustainable design make it completely worth the price.