How To Cash In On Heat Pump Hot Water Rebates
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With the need to tighten the purse strings even more prevalent today, now's the time to take advantage of hot water cash rebates. Financial reasons aren’t the only incentive to install a heat pump hot water system – they can save as much energy and greenhouse gas emissions as a traditional solar hot water heater.
So if you're in the market for a more efficient hot water solution that minimises emissions as well, this could be an opportune time to act.
Do your homework
As always, preparation and research are key when entering into a space you are unfamiliar with. Not only is there a range of rebates available, but their eligibility criteria are also often misunderstood. Rebates can vary from state to state and are subject to change due to budget and policy changes.
New South Wales energy rebates and schemes information can be found on the Energy NSW for current rebates and schemes.
Victoria energy rebate schemes available in Victoria can be found on the Solar Victoria website and Energy Victoria website.
Australian Capital Territory’s website Climate Choices has information regarding their most current schemes here.
South Australia energy rebate schemes can be found on the ESCOSA website
Queensland energy rebates currently available can be found on the Queensland Government website.
Northern Territory energy grants available to homeowners and business can be found on the Northern Territory government website
Tasmania energy rebates that may be currently available will be found at Services Tasmania website.
Western Australia current energy schemes can be found here.
The Federal Government has a useful Energy Rebates page that can help you refine your search for schemes available Australia-wide.
Want to cash in on heat pump hot water rebates? If the Australian Government’s website doesn't get you anywhere, have a chat with a reputable local plumber and hot water specialist. Your local plumber will be aware of federal, state and local government rebates, energy retailer schemes and current manufacturer deals that might help with keeping your costs down.
Heat pump purchase and installation
The range of heat pumps on the market is growing, but it's important to remember that to qualify, you'll need to purchase a heat pump hot water system that meets the eligibility criteria for the particular rebate program. Under the Australian Government's renewable energy target, heat pumps can qualify for Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) which can be applied directly to the upfront costs. Depending on your purchase, this could equate to thousands of dollars back in your pocket. Quality, energy efficiency and durability are all essential features to look out for in your chosen heat pump - however, just make sure it qualifies. Installation is just as important for all rebate applications as there are high standards that must be met.
Documentation and rebate application
Don't become complacent with the paperwork necessary to be completed. Keep tabs on purchase and installation invoices and receipts as well as compliance certificates and other supporting evidence as mandated by the specific rebate. There will be a need to submit your rebate application within a set timeframe, accompanied by documentation. To avoid unnecessary delays, triple check everything is filled out correctly and everything has been packaged up appropriately.
Once your application is submitted, ensure you are familiar with how the rebate will be disbursed. Whilst waiting, sit back and enjoy the benefits of your new heat pump hot water system. By following these steps, you can cash in on rebates and enjoy the financial and environmental advantages of an energy-efficient hot water system.