Modern Australian

How to enjoy yourself without alcohol

There is no doubt that Australia’ has a big drinking culture, and therefore we can feel the pressure to drink when it comes to socialising and catching up with friends. The ever-present that can sometimes seem impossible to avoid and can be associated with social disappointment when avoided. So if you are looking to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and if cutting down or out alcohol is on your list of goals, here are some tips on how to enjoy yourself or plan accordingly:

Suggest a lunch

If you feel like it is too difficult to say no to a glass of alcohol when you’re catching up with friends at night-time, try suggesting a catch up during a time of day where it is ‘more acceptable’ to avoid alcohol such as breakfast or lunch. Typically, you can opt for a beverage such as a coffee or a juice during the day which may take the pressure out of drinking.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.

Surrounding yourself with people who also enjoy opting for a healthier option may also be a refreshing experience for you. Having supportive friends who are happy for you to catch up without pressure of alcohol can be a great sense of encouragement.

Try a workout.

We are as good as we feel, and we know that working out can release our ‘happy’ hormone which is more of a reason to try and work out once or twice a week to keep yourself feeling fit and healthy. Physical exercise also plays a large role in mental health.

Additionally, fitness studios are often very good a fostering strong community and therefore can be a great place to build rapport with others, as well as make friends. BFT for example have an 8-week challenge which runs every few months, where studios will often create teams so that everyone can connect around a common goal. This gets people connecting and breaks the ice, from there they can build friendships which is a powerful tool when it comes to keeping people coming back and motivated. While Flow Athletic is known for creating experiences such as Nightclub Spin and Flow After Dark to bring people together around an experience.

Non-Alcoholic options

We continue to see non-alcoholic beverage options appear in Australia, particularly in restaurants and bars. Nex time, try and find an alcoholic beverage that might mimic your typical go-to drink to help you feel included and provide you with a taste you are looking for. Some brands such as Gravity Seltzer, offer 0% beverages which can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Best of all, it looks like you are drinking, so no one will question you.

Sober events

There are always events around for the sober-curious, including an internationally renowned Fun Run Festival hosted by Illumi Run. Runners can expect live DJ sets, four themed zones with fluoro lighting, bubbles and more. Every zone also includes “neon-splash” activities, where runners are splattered with ILLUMI Glow Water. The event will then end with a sober dance festival for the ultimate night out with your mates, with no pressure whatsoever to drink.