Modern Australian

Can a shampoo lead to hair loss? Myths and Facts questioned

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Although, however absurd it may sound, there have been internet searches around shampoos causing hair loss. But what? Hair loss shampoos are used to treat hair loss! How can they induce hair loss instead? Well, your reasons are right, thoughts are true, but there is a catch. According to the experts of Patricks best shampoo for hair loss could be causing your hair loss ironically. Although the chances are low, they still are, and they need your thoughtful consideration. Here we put before you both the sides of the doubts.

How does shampoo work?

The basic purpose of shampoo is to clean off unnecessary buildups from the scalp. Over time, our scalp needs cleansing too, just like our face and body. The sebaceous glands on our scalp secrete Sebum. The main purpose is to keep our scalp hydrated. But sometimes the normal body mechanism goes awry and this leads to too much or too little sebum production. When sebum gets produced in abundance, it becomes a haven for the dandruff-causing yeast. This is why we need to keep cleansing our hair.

Shampoos are not new. We have always been using natural ingredients for centuries to cleanse our hair and scalp. This helps nourishing our hair with health and glow. But the market today is dense with hair products. While you cannot certainly know which shampoo for hair loss is genuine, you can have basic knowledge about what not to choose. One must know how to sift the meaning from all the noise around.

Certain shampoos for hair loss target the specific reasons that cause hair loss. It could be blocking DHT that binds to hair follicles and thus causing hair thinning and balding; it could be blocking 5 Alpha Reductase that catalyzes the process of making DHT; it could be to increase blood circulation in your scalp; or it might also try inducing the anagen phase of your hair cycle. The mechanisms could be different. But then, why do certain shampoos cause hair loss?

Do shampoos cause hair loss?

There is no specific answer. It could be, and it could be not. It could be the shampoo for hair loss, or it could be you. You must first look at the ingredients that shampoo use. Never try using shampoos which are,

  • Harsh and uses harmful chemicals.

  • Contain sulfate, paraben, phthalate, triclosan, alcohol, polyethylene glycol, or chemical fragrance substances.

  • Contain ingredients that could stick to your scalp and thus cause damage.

  • Does not use any natural ingredient as base.

  • Have no scientific base and is just to trick people.

Suggests Patricks, best shampoo for hair loss should never be containing these chemicals. They cause brutal damage to your scalp and hair.

Now when you have made sure that everything seems right with your shampoo, look inwardly. Are you shampooing your hair too often? Although there is no one-word answer about frequency, you must look at your scalp. If your scalp produces too much grease, try using mild shampoo as much as required. If your scalp seems alright, doing shampoo twice a week is fine.

Another thing to take care of is how you treat your hair after shampooing. Wet hair are very fragile and you would not want to rub them hard with a towel. It will weaken your hair from roots, which will later lead to those hair falling out. Pat your hair lightly using a cotton towel and then let them dry out in the air.

If you have any medical condition, then consult a trichologist. Try using products that have been scientifically created with care using natural ingredients and target the specific issues. Check out these great products that use science and nature to heal – Practice a healthy lifestyle including exercise and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.