Modern Australian

Your 15-step checklist for a stress-free moving day

  • Written by Samantha Ball

Plan well ahead and save yourself some moving stress. Here are 15 things to tackle before the big day.

1. Inform your landlord

Do you have a landlord? Check your rental agreement to see how much notice they need.

2. Clear out your home 

At least two months before the move, clear out your closets and donate anything you can't sell.

3. Book a removalist

Don't leave this until the last minute – book a removals company at least a month early. 

4. Organise your packing materials

Plan well ahead if you're packing your own things. Ensure you buy sturdy boxes, strong tape and plenty of labels. 

5. Arrange childcare and pet care

The big day can be stressful for kids and pets, so it's sometimes better to leave them with someone else. Ask family or friends if they can help out.

6. Pack non-essentials early

Pack away everything you won't use until after moving day. It's easier to pack in stages than trying to do it all in one go. Start packing a month or so out. 

7. Change your addresses 

At least a month before you move, cancel subscriptions and update your address with:

  • Banks

  • Road authority 

  • Schools

  • Work

  • Doctor

  • Vet

  • Dentist

  • Electoral office

Make a list of your key contacts. If you plan well ahead, you won't miss anyone out.

8. Inform your utilities providers

Arrange to cancel your utilities from moving day, and switch your contracts to your new address. 

9. Set valuables aside

Don't pack jewellery or other valuables in moving boxes. Store them safely in your car on moving day and take them with you. 

10. Confirm all documents are signed

Give your lawyer a call a week or so before moving day and check everything's in place. This is a great time to ask any last-minute questions and confirm what happens on the big day.

11. Pack an essentials bag

Unless you want to unpack everything on your first night, you need an essentials bag. The perfect essentials bag includes:

  • Change of clothes for everyone

  • Toiletries

  • Medication

  • Mobile phone and charger

  • Toilet roll

  • Important documents e.g. driving licence, passport

  • Snacks and bottled water

  • Pet food and toys 

  • Cash

  • Valuables 

12. Arrange home insurance

Plan well ahead by arranging new home insurance a few weeks out. Schedule your existing insurance to end on moving day.

13. Defrost everything

Two or three days out, defrost your fridge and/or freezer. This ensures you can safely load them onto the removals van without water leaking. 

14. Take the final utility readings

Before you go, note down your final water, gas, and electricity readings, or take a picture. 

15. Leave keys with your lawyer

Don't forget to leave your keys with the lawyer or estate agent, and check where you can pick up your new keys. Make sure you don't take any spare keys away with you.


The easiest way to a stress-free move? Plan well ahead, and don't forget to book a removal company.