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7 Biggest SEO Trends and Challenges in 2023

  • Written by Chloe Taylor

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a vital process for reaching the top of results pages, driving traffic, and improving outcomes. But as competition becomes tougher in the online environment and all websites fight for that coveted top spot, traditional SEO practices are no longer enough to ensure success. Instead, new challenges and trends continue arising, making it even more difficult to increase your visibility. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, take a look at the biggest SEO tendencies we will be seeing in 2023:

  1. The importance of user experience

With online competition rising and Google beginning to value the importance of user experience (UX), this trend is looking to be one of the most critical SEO factors moving forward. Intuitive website design, easy navigation, fast loading times, and valuable information will all be important aspects. To improve the user experience further, even factors such as transparency, asking for feedback, and prioritising personalisation could be of great help. If the site isn’t designed with the end user in mind, traffic and conversion rates will likely suffer.

  1. High-quality content is still crucial

It’s no secret that high-quality content is a vital aspect of SEO. But in 2023, search engines might focus on different factors. It won’t be enough to simply format your content optimally and include relevant keywords any longer. Significance and helpfulness are now more important. Whether that means posting new content regularly or updating old content with new information, fresh and high-quality pieces of content that deliver real value to users will be more successful in the years to come. This is likely due to the need for a better user experience overall.

  1. The rise of voice search optimisation

Beyond mobile devices, smart speakers and digital assistants are on the rise as well. The number of voice searches has drastically increased over the last couple of years, and is only expected to continue rising in the following years. This means that optimising for voice search will be a crucial SEO factor in 2023, helping to boost rankings and increase traffic. To optimise your content for voice search, focus on natural language users might instinctively use when talking instead of typing – target phrases in the form of a question and aim for more specific long-tail keywords.

  1. Link building is easier than ever

Quality internal and external links are still as important to SEO as ever, signalling to search engines and users alike that your content is relevant, valuable, and trustworthy. The right link building strategy can easily be built with tactics such as guest posting, building links with images, replicating competitors’ links, etc. But the issue might arise when attempting to manage links and ensure their efficiency. This is exactly where a great link building platform comes in. With a single effective tool, you will be able to solve common issues like broken links, expiring links, and losing created links, which will be key to success in 2023.

  1. The power of video content

Video content is quickly rising in popularity across different platforms. Users often find videos to be much more interesting and engaging than bland graphic or text content, not to mention that video content is much easier to consume, too. In fact, a significant percentage of consumers are now demanding video content from the brands they enjoy. Videos also encourage users to stay longer on websites, which can be rewarded with higher rankings. This is one of the simplest ways to boost the growth and development of your business while serving audiences as well.

  1. Users valuing privacy and security

As internet use becomes more frequent, the average user gets more knowledgeable and cautious. In turn, personal safety and security are prioritised, which is why factors such as SSL certificates are now industry standards. However, privacy is just as important, with many governments around the world implementing new legislation to protect it as well. To comply with these laws and give users some control over their personal information, allow them to opt out of cookies and include a clear privacy statement regarding your use of user data. Without these aspects, it will be difficult to retain audiences in 2023.

  1. The use of artificial intelligence

Even search engines are leveraging the help of artificial intelligence (AI), with Google’s BERT algorithm update being the most notable example. The search engine uses AI capabilities to understand language in a more natural, human-like way. As a result, long-form content, intuitive language, and keywords focused on search intent are now prioritised. Although it might be challenging, optimising for this and future AI-driven updates will be essential for achieving long-term SEO success.

As technology continues evolving, SEO tendencies follow. Use the list of the biggest trends and challenges mentioned above to optimise your website and stay on top of any changes that might affect your growth in 2023.


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