Modern Australian
Business Coach

MD hits the street to sell The Big Issue 

  • Written by Emily Byrne

Wednesday 7 February 2018: Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Managing Director, Mike Hirst, is one of 100well-known business and government leaders hitting the streets to sell The Big Issue magazine from 5-9 February. 


Held during International Vendor Week, The Big Issue CEO Selling campaign is an annual event shining a spotlight on homeless and disadvantaged vendors who are working to improve their lives. This is Mr Hirst’s second year supporting the campaign.


I’ll be working with my vendor mentor Phil outside our Docklands office. I’m looking forward to selling as many copies of The Big Issue as I can, and learning some tips and tricks from Phil along the way” Mr Hirst said.

Launched in 1996, The Big Issue has sold more than 11 million copies of the magazine, and has provided a realistic solution to help address homelessness in Australia.


For almost 20 years, our Community Bank® model has provided a sustainable income stream, significantly impacting the social and economic wellbeing of Australian communities.


In the same way, The Big Issue provides those who are homeless or disadvantaged an avenue to create their own sustainable income – it’s helping people help themselves. In addition to earning an income, vendors build confidence and skills that positively impact their lives,” he added.


The week is run by the International Network of Street Papers to raise awareness of the 100 street papers and 21,000 vendors in 34 countries around the world. The Big Issue CEO Steven Persson said CEO Selling shines a spotlight on street vendors who are working hard to improve their lives.


Big Issue vendors are businesspeople. They buy copies of the magazine for $3.50 and sell them to the public for $7, earning a meaningful income,” Mr Persson said.


By taking part in CEO Selling, high-profile leaders – some competitors in the marketplace who have come together for this cause – are showing our street vendors that industry leaders support and respect their work.


The campaign gives the public an opportunity to buy the magazine from someone they already know and trust, helping our vendors reach more readers who will keep coming back for the good content and great cause. More customers mean more sales and, in turn, more money in vendors’ pockets.”


You can support this campaign by buying a copy of the magazine from Mr Hirst and his vendor mentor Phil outside Bendigo Bank’s Docklands Office from 8.30am on Thursday 8 February.


CEO Selling campaign details:

Mr Mike Hirst – Managing Director, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

Time: 8.30am

Date: Thursday 8 February 2017

Location: Outside Bendigo Bank’s Docklands Office, 120 Harbour Esplanade, Melbourne.


For more information about The Big Issue’s CEO Selling campaign, visit


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