First-Timer Tips For Your First Lip Filler Appointment
- Written by News Company
Getting injectable lip fillers can be a quick and effective way to plump up your smile with minimal drama. They’re a cost-effective and safe way to boost the natural shape of your lips without any kind of dramatic surgery or dodgy over-lining tricks. If you’re new to the world of lip fillers, don’t panic. We’ve got plenty of tips to get you ready for your first appointment. Follow these and you can expect great results with minimal stress.

Get advice from your specialist.
When you arrive for your consultation for cosmetic injections perth, be prepared to ask plenty of questions and to get loads of useful advice and expert guidance. They have heaps of experience and know which brands will work best for your skin, as well as how much filler to use to get the look you’re going for. Take their advice on board and remember to take plenty of notes so you know exactly how to prepare and what to expect when the day arrives.
Consider starting small and building up.
Many girls walk into their appointment with big dreams of luscious lips demanding the maximum amount of filler in one go. Keep in mind that when it comes to lip injections, a little can go a long way, and that you can always come back and add more if the results weren’t what you were hoping for. A smaller dose of product can give you a more natural look, and will cost you less than using a large amount in one go. Start slow and see how you feel.
Get inspiration.
It’s helpful for your clinician if you come in with a strong sense of the exact look you’re aiming to achieve with the treatment. Do research and considering bringing in photos of the shape and size that you love. They can then take a look and let you know whether that particular look is realistic for your facial features and anatomy. They’ll want to see the best possible outcome for your features, so if they offer advice on how you could make slight changes to your plan, consider giving their strategy a try.
Know what to expect.
Many people worry about pain and discomfort when considering lip injections. While there can be some discomfort, your specialists can come up with a plan to minimise the pain and make the experience as relaxed as possible for you and your health. They can often use a numbing cream or injectable product to reduce the sensation in your lips, or use ice packs to reduce the sting. Overall, this procedure is fairly quick and the pain is rarely severe, so most lip filler first-timers find that they’re pleasantly surprised at how relaxed the whole experience was.
Expect some swelling.
Don’t panic if you wake up the day after your appointment and see puffed up lips that were bigger than you expected in the mirror. There’s often some minor swelling in the hours and days following the treatment, but this will go down quickly, leaving you with a natural-looking plumped smile. Once the swelling has subsided you’ll be able to check out the real results. These results will last from anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on the client in question and the product used.