How to Find Your Signature Style
- Written by Diana Smith

In the sea of trends, it’s hard to find the right one for you personally. It seems easy. Just pick a style and go with it. However, the transition phase can be quite tricky as we don’t usually have a strong enough budget to throw all our current clothes away and buy all the new ones. Our preferences change over time and some of the styles we used to like are now dull and appalling to us. This is a natural occurrence and the way we transition is we buy some new things and combine them with our existing ones and try to make the most of it until we’re able to replace the no longer wanted items. However, regardless of which style you choose, you are going to have one that defines you and it’s not going to be generic, but personal.
Get inspired
In order to find a style that reflects you personally, you need to mix things up. Do some research on trends and find fashion bloggers you like andkeep it all on a Pinterest board. You can mix romantic and chic or street style with glam, as long as it all makes sense mixed together. This will help you remember items you particularly liked and make your next shopping much easier. You can classify items on your board any way you like. This visualization helps you to vividly see yourself wearing these.
Get a tattoo
A part of personalizing your style is having something nobody else has. It can be many things, of course, but a tattoo is an excellent way to express your uniqueness and your personality. You just need a good artist who will be able to create an adequate drawing of your idea. The tattoo can depict a special place, a person or a mindset of yours. You can have it done as traditional Japanese tattoo art and thereby, ensure that it will be original and more mysterious.
Clean your wardrobe
Upon having done your research, it’s time to open your closet and ruthlessly get rid of all the clothes you no longer need. Anything you haven’t worn for more than two years should be tossed away. Don’t be sentimental, try to rationalize as much as you can and do this. You need to make space for new clothes by throwing away old ones.
Hairstyle matters, too
Your new look needs to be in sync with your hairstyle and vice versa. However, you should be honest with yourself and choose an appropriate hairstyle. Depending on how willing you are to do your hair every morning, you need to make the right choice. If you don’t mind blow-drying or straightening your hair every day, then you can choose any style you want. However, if you’re not that motivated to do this on a daily basis, opt for a style that looks amazing without much effort.
Style = Lifestyle
When choosing a style, you need to consider both your preferences and your lifestyle. If you are working, have in mind your work environment and try to fit your style with it. It’s OK to spend a lot of money on staple pieces such as a good bag, a pair of shoes or a coat, but when it comes to pants and shirts, try not to spend too much money as they won’t last long enough to make it worth your investment.
All in all, you must know that there are no rights and wrongs when it comes to choosing your style. You can seek advice from friends, family or fashion experts, but in the end, it all comes down to what you decide. Sure, you need to put in some thought into the process, but make sure to follow your gut prior to making the final decision.