What are the benefits of a french press?
- Written by NewsServices.com

A French press, also known as a cafetière, can be used to brew coffee or tea quickly and easily at home. This classic method of brewing coffee produces a stronger flavor and more caffeine than drip coffee makers or single-serve coffee machines. It doesn’t require paper filters to produce delicious results. So why do you need one? Read on to learn about the top benefits of using a French press, from less plastic waste than disposable cups to the better overall taste.
French presses provide full control over your cup.
Unlike drip coffee makers, which leave behind hot water that may have picked up some sediment and chemicals from previous brews, French presses give you full control over your cup. With a french press, you can watch as each scoop of beans is tamped down and then steeped in water for 4 minutes Cafe Du Chateau.
French presses create better taste.
French presses utilize steeping, creating more intense and bolder flavors in your coffee. Another benefit of steeping is better for your health because it doesn’t involve high temperatures. Heat can be an enemy for healthy living; excess heat can strip your food or drink of beneficial nutrients. Most people who have switched from their traditional drip coffeemaker to a french press claim that they now experience the better flavor and richer taste in their cup!
French presses are more versatile.
The benefit of using a french press in different settings is that you’re not limited to just enjoying your coffee at home; you can take it with you to work or on holiday. You can even enjoy your freshly-brewed coffee outdoors. You might be surprised by how many people start using french presses exclusively for their travel mugs when they go camping!
French presses are easier to clean.
This type of coffee maker is super easy to use, but it’s also very simple to clean. All you have to do is disassemble your device and run hot water through it for most models. A lot of manual presses are even dishwasher safe. Plus, there’s no filter or grinder to deal with – making cleanup really quite simple!
French presses make more coffee per brew.
You might expect that coffee presses make weaker brews since they don’t have filters, but that’s not true. Press-brewed coffee often yields more grounds per cup than pour-over. Because it relies on heavier immersion of coffee grounds in water, pour-over requires 20 per cent more coffee to get similar flavor extraction to the French press. If you want a strong brew and don’t mind it thick and heavy, a french press is for you.
There are lots of french press types!
Coffee lovers have three major options for making their morning cup of Joe. There’s drip coffee, which is brewed in small batches over time and concentrated; single-serve pods, which are made for one or two servings at a time and use filters to separate grounds from liquid; and full pots, which may be brewed with one-, two-, or four-cup options.