The Most Stressful Life Events and How to Deal with Them

Stress can be defined as mental or emotional tension caused by negative or challenging circumstances. It’s usually some sort of change that creates emotional turmoil we cannot cope with appropriately and which can lead to various health conditions. There are certain life events that are considered more stressful than others, and dealing with them is essential if we want to maintain our mental and physical wellness. Here are some of those events and advice for managing the stress they cause.
Death of a close family member
When one of our family members dies, it causes a tremendous amount of sadness, but also anger and in some cases guilt. These feelings can be overwhelming and can influence us in a way that we cannot function normally in our everyday lives. When this happens, it’s essential that you fight against it dragging you down. Knowing that you’re not alone in your mourning can help, as talking about your grief with somebody who understands you can ease away some of the pain and provide you with some acceptance. Also, maintaining a healthy diet, without skipping meals, and trying your best to sleep and rest as much as possible can be beneficial. However, you should be aware that healing is a process and it might take a long time to feel better. If you feel you can’t cope with the loss, seek professional help from a therapist or join one of many Australian support groups.
When you move from one place to another, you’re not simply changing your living space, but rather your whole neighborhood, city or even country, which includes people around you, shops, schools and even the things you never thought would matter much, such as your favorite pub or farmers’ market. Finding a new place to live can also prove to be extremely challenging and tiring. Depending on the part of Australia you’re moving to, apartments can be very expensive. When moving, you can tone down some of the stress by planning things well ahead, asking for help from family and friends, or hiring professionals. For example, the experienced removalists from Inner West can move anything from your apartment, no matter its size, with insurance that covers your possessions as a guarantee that they will take good care of your belongings while moving them.
There are several aspects of a divorce that trigger stress. One of them is sentimentality, especially iHYPERLINK ""fHYPERLINK "" you have children together, since there is the issue of their emotional state in the new situation, as well as custody, which is more uncertain now than ever, due to the equal treatment of both parents by Australian courts since 2006. Another aspect is the altered living arrangements, since the separation normally means that one of the spouses has to move. The third one has to do with finances, since all your assets have to be divided, which requires the presence of lawyers and is usually very difficult. What might help with stress in this situation is to create a good support system, staying physically and socially active and talking to your children a lot, so that they accept the new circumstances as painlessly as possible. Plus, you should always do your best for their sake, as well as for your own, to remain courteous towards your former partner.
Illness or serious injury
Not only can stress lead to health problems, but it can also be vice versa, when some sort of illness or an injury causes stress. The news of your illness can sometimes be enough, but when combined with the physical pain, the eventual long-lasting treatment and the fear of its outcome, it can be too much to bear. In order to contain the stress, learn as much as you can about your new condition and ways to treat it, adjust your diet, give yourself time to rest and ask for support from your loved ones.
Take days off from work to help you recover from these illnesses. If a serious injury or disease prevents you from getting back to work soon, don't stress yourself about not earning money. You can get an income protection insurance to cover your livelihood in these kinds of emergencies as early as now.
Stress isn’t something you can avoid, since life is unpredictable and full of unexpected situations. It’s the way you manage it that will determine how things will move forward. So, try to stay positive and don’t hesitate to find help if you think you need it.