Is It Possible to Remove Moles Without Surgery?

Moles – everyone has them but not everyone wants to live with them.
Fortunately, advances in cosmetic surgery have made it possible to easily remove any skin lesions that you are unhappy with or that may be a potential health risk.
Why moles form
Moles are those dark, irregular spots on your skin. Some of them you may have been born with but others may have popped up over time.
Moles are the result of your skin cells growing in groups instead of spreading out across the skin. They’re very common and not always dangerous but for some, moles are a source of low self-esteem, especially if they are large or on a prominent area of the face or body.
It should be noted that not every mole is a cause for concern but this doesn’t mean that moles can’t become malignant later on in life. It’s for this reason that most doctors would prefer to remove moles that could potentially become a health concern later on. It’s also the reason why you should be paying attention to existing moles to ensure they don’t change.
Modern-day mole removal
The DOC Clinic provides the best mole removal solutions in Melbourne, none of which require any surgery.
There is still a place for surgical mole removal though, particularly when the mole is very large and embedded deep within the skin. During a surgical procedure, a small incision will be made to remove the mole and sutures will be used to close the hole.
Unfortunately, surgical mole removal does have a higher risk of leaving a scar after the procedure, which is why it isn’t the first choice for people who are concerned with aesthetics. If a surgical removal is necessary though, an experienced doctor will do everything possible to minimise scarring.
For all other moles, modern day technology has made non-surgical removal an option for everyone.
Laser and radiofrequency can both be used to safely and effectively remove small, light moles on almost any area of the body.
The average non-surgical mole removal procedure won’t take longer than an hour and most patients will be completely healed within a week or two.
Besides keeping the area clean and keeping it covered with a dressing for as long as your doctor specifies, there are no special precautions that need to be taken after your procedure.
Which procedure is right for me?
The only way to decide which mole removal procedure is right for you is to have your skin examined by a qualified medical professional. It should also be noted that laser mole removal should never be undertaken until the lesion has been tested for abnormal cells.
This is because once the colour of the mole has been removed by the laser, it’s harder to pick up on any changes to the skin.
Whether a mole has become a nuisance, it’s affecting your self-confidence or you are concerned about recent changes, there are options available to you. Always consult with a medical professional before removal though.