Creative Ways To Stay Fit In The New Year

As the New Year approaches, more of us will be making a resolution to get fit and start working out. It’s one of the most common resolutions made every single year. However, the problem is that too many people give up on their good intentions within a few weeks simply because going to the gym is pretty dull. The key to getting the most out of your exercise regime is to take up a way of staying fit that you actually enjoy. With that in mind, we take a look at some of the most creative ways of getting fit this new year so you have the best chance of sticking to your resolution.
Try Playing Instead
When you were a kid, you played out all the time and loved it. As you grow up, you forget just how much fun you can have by playing backyard games. If you’ve got kids of your own, join in with their games. Play hopscotch, capture the flag and tag outdoors. If you don’t, you can still play. Why not get a basketball hoop and shoot some hoops after work? Or try skipping rope.
Go Dancing
Dancing is brilliant exercise and it’s a lot of fun too. There are so many different styles to pick from that there’s sure to be one that you love. Salsa, line dancing, ballroom, folk dancing, belly dancing, tap… the list goes on! Or why not Capoeira – a mix of martial arts and dancing? If you don’t have a partner to go to a dance class with, that’s no problem. There are lots of types of dance you can do alone. You could even make new friends. Zumba is a brilliant form of exercise which involves dance and fitness. You’re guaranteed to enjoy yourself and be more motivated to attend every session.
Add Something Extra To Your Dull Routine
If you’re used to walking or running in the same old places, why not add something new into the mix. Try going a different way or taking a kite with you and flying that as you walk or run. If you’re using a treadmill at home, make your workout more exciting by listening to an audio book or watching your favorite move at the same time.
Try A New Activity
Exercise doesn’t need to be mundane and boring. Why not try something completely different like horseback riding or inline skating. Or what about trampolining – that’s probably something you haven’t tried since you were a kid! Trampolining is a lot of fun, even if you’re a grown up. Jumping on a trampoline is a good way to be fit and you can install one in your own backyard so you don’t need to go far from home to work out.
Join A Boot Camp
There’s been a trend recently for boot camp style activities for adults who want to get fit. There are lots of different ones to choose from. Some run every day, others a couple of times a week. Some are in the morning, others are after work so there’s sure to be one that suits your schedule. They’re really motivating and you’ll be among like-minded people. You’re sure to see some impressive results.
Join A Running Club
You don’t need to run alone to get maximum benefit from your exercise. Although it’s possible to go for a jog by yourself, some people feel uncomfortable about it, especially in terms of their own safety. Why not join a running club instead? You don’t need to be a particularly good runner and you’ll benefit from finding a whole new friendship group. You’ll be more motivated to keep attending and you’ll push yourself to try harder so you could even achieve your fitness goals more quickly.
With all these fun and creative ideas, there’s no need to sign up for a gym this new year, you’ll still be able to get fit while enjoying yourself with any of these activities. Whether you’re ready to learn a new skill or make new friends, there’s a creative idea for getting fit that’s sure to appeal to you.
Good luck with achieving your fitness goals and keeping your new year’s resolution this year!