How to Lose Weight After 40

As you age, your metabolism slows down, which makes losing weight much harder. Additionally, your hormones start to fluctuate significantly, causing easier weight gain. Sticking to the same tricks you used in your 20s won’t help you shed the excess weight, so you’ll need to transform your way of life and introduce a few new habits into your lifestyle to stay fit even after 40.
Regulate your diet
Due to the high amount of sugar, sodium and unhealthy fats they contain, processed foods will only make the weight pile up, so switch your diet to healthier choices. Avoid sodas and sugary drinks, stay away from breaded, frozen chicken nuggets and opt for water and grilled chicken breasts instead. Chew your food slower, drinking water before and while you eat and engage in conversation throughout the meal to prevent yourself from overeating. Before you go to bed, think about drinking a protein shake to kick-start your metabolism. Furthermore, eat plenty of fish, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids in abundance, which are excellent for heart health and prevent cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, consider making smaller portions of food for every meal. You need fewer calories as you age, so instead of eating the same amount of food as you did ten years ago, use smaller plates and cut your portions in half.
Exercise more
Your body resets during the night, which is why it craves calories in the morning. Therefore, make a good use of the morning hours, and go for a jog before breakfast. Cardio on an empty stomach increases the body’s capabilities to burn fat, which is why you’ll lose weight faster and more efficiently if you start exercising in the morning. Additionally, switch up your exercise routine to boost your metabolism. Alternating between exercise patterns will help you avoid a weight loss plateau. Go swimming at least twice a week because its’ a great low-impact activity you can do even if you have a slight knee or back pain. Being a heart-healthy exercise, swimming will burn calories while also helping you improve your stamina. Walking is another low-impact activity that’s perfect for older women, since it engages the major muscle groups without putting a lot of strain on your body.
Use supplements
One of the best ways to boost your weight loss is to add supplements to your diet. Just as those who want to build muscle use the best protein powder supplements, you should consider supplementing your diet with vitamins to enhance weight loss. The best supplements for this are by far coenzyme Q10 supplements and omega-3 supplements. Aside from helping weight loss, they are also good for brain function and a healthy heart. Making fish a part of your diet is a great idea because it’s an excellent source of protein, however, if you don’t like fish that much, consider having fish oil supplements to compensate for the lack of omega-3s.
Sleep is essential
A lack of sleep is a common nuisance for women over 40. Fluctuating hormones, hot flashes and night sweating can seriously disrupt your sleeping pattern, which will only make losing weight more difficult. The less energy you have during the day the less active you’ll be, but your cravings for high-carbohydrate foods will escalate. Therefore, create a cooler, more comfortable atmosphere in your bedroom, eliminate electronic screens, and try to design a sleeping schedule that will allow you to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
Don’t stress
The stress hormone ‒ cortisol ‒ regulates the body’s responses to stress, such as metabolic rates and blood sugar levels. If your body gets too much cortisol, it’ll be more difficult for you to lose weight. Therefore, try to keep your stress levels low. Do yoga, meditate, or practice tai chi to help your body release mood-elevating chemicals.
Losing weight is never easy, but it becomes particularly difficult as you reach your 40s. Therefore, if you want to stay fit even in your post-menopausal age, stick to the previously mentioned tips and prevent the excess weight from piling up.