How to Prepare for Unexpected Events While Traveling
- Written by Emily Lamp

Travelling is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. However, it's important to prepare before you leave on any trip. One major risk that many people don't think about when they go on vacation is the possibility of having an unexpected event occur during their trip. Fortunately, there are several things you can do before you leave your home that will help prevent this from happening!
Learn about your travel destination
The first thing you should do before travelling is to learn as much as you can about your destination. Not just the name of the city, but what kind of weather it typically has and what kind of climate you should expect while you’re there. If there’s a chance the weather will be bad, does this mean it might snow? Are there hurricanes in this area? Are there earthquakes? etc.
Know how to get around when travelling too as well as any other necessary information like how much things cost or whether public transportation exists in your destination city or country. Also be aware of potential hazards such as bees (especially if you're allergic), snakes (again: watch out for those allergies!), earthquakes... anything that could put yourself or someone else at risk while on vacation! And while we're talking about safety concerns: know where emergency services are located so that if something goes wrong during your trip, help will be nearby instead of miles away from where it's needed most!
Learn about emergencies and evacuations in your travel destination
When travelling, it's important to be prepared for any unexpected events. Before you go, make sure you have a plan in place for what to do if there is an emergency or evacuation. Learn about the local weather and how it could impact your travel plans. Make sure you understand what type of natural disasters may be common in your destination and how to protect yourself against them.
Learn about local emergencies, such as earthquakes or tsunamis. Research what kind of first aid kits are recommended by locals so that you can pack accordingly (and know where yours should be stored). Also, learn about how to get help—this includes knowing which numbers locals would call when something happens (e.g., police, fire department).
In addition to planning ahead for potential bad weather or natural disasters, it's also important that travellers have a plan in place for personal safety issues like theft or assault on vacation; stay safe by learning about these risks before leaving home so that they don't catch anyone off guard during their trip!
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is a good idea. If you're travelling abroad and have an unexpected event, travel insurance will cover you for expenses such as getting home early or replacing your lost luggage. You can buy travel insurance before or after you leave. You can purchase travel and digital nomad insurance online or at the airport or even while in another country!
Prepare to communicate when you're travelling
Have an international data plan. If you're travelling for a week or so, it's likely that you'll be able to use your phone's data in your destination country. When choosing an international plan, consider how much data you'll need and if there are any fees for using overseas networks (some plans don't allow this).
Have a phone with international calling. Even if you have a SIM card on your phone, it could still be difficult to make calls when travelling abroad if the number isn't compatible with landlines in other countries (or if there are no landlines).
Bring an unlocked phone or tablet device so that it can work on different carriers' towers (if applicable). For example, you might want one device that works both on AT&T towers and T-Mobile towers while travelling cross-country; or perhaps another option would be two devices—one unlocked GSM phone and one unlocked 4G hotspot/tablet—that enable you to connect multiple devices at once via Wi-Fi instead of relying solely upon cellular data plans alone? Or maybe three options...
Know where the nearest embassy is located in the area where you'll be travelling
In the event that you need to contact an embassy, it's important to know where the nearest one is located. You can find this information by searching for your country's embassy in the city or country where you'll be travelling. If there isn't a consulate in the area, consider contacting a nearby consulate. In many cases, consulates are located in major cities within their host nation and smaller towns as well. You should also get their contact information so that you can call them if you become lost or confused while travelling abroad.
You should also know how to get to an embassy before leaving on your trip; this will help make sure nothing goes wrong during an emergency situation abroad when time is of the essence! If possible obtain directions from someone who has been there before (e.g., ask friends who visited recently) as well as any other information that would help with navigation around town including road closures due to construction projects etc.)
Get vaccinated before travelling abroad
Before you head off on your next trip, make sure you're up to date on all the vaccines you need. The CDC recommends that travellers get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and polio. These diseases are most common in developing countries (and some of them can be fatal), but it's also possible for people in developed nations to contract them when travelling abroad or vacationing in places where these illnesses occur. The good news? Vaccines like these last for years—so even if they were given years ago before your first international journey, they'll still be effective.
Never consume local food or water unless it's boiled first
If you are unsure of the source of your food or water, do not consume it! This is one of the most important rules to follow when travelling. If you are not sure whether or not something is safe to eat or drink, don't take a chance of potentially getting sick. Remember that this goes for any type of local product—from produce sold at roadside stands to packaged drinks in grocery stores and restaurants. Always boil water before drinking it and look closely at all your food before eating it.
Bring bottled water with you when you travel
When you are travelling for an extended amount of time, it is essential to have water with you. When preparing your travel bag, make sure that you have a water bottle with a filter and/or purifier. You don't want to drink tap water or bottled water while abroad; these sources could be contaminated or contain bacteria. Also, avoid drinking any water from streams or ponds as these sources may also be contaminated.
When buying bottled waters in foreign countries, check the expiration date on the bottles before purchasing them. The best way to ensure your safety is by using only those bottles which have been properly refrigerated and have not expired yet.
Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes or mouth while travelling
Hand washing is a must, especially when you're in close contact with strangers.
Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes or mouth while travelling.
Use a hand sanitiser as often as possible to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.
If possible, bring a face mask along with you on long flights to help protect yourself from the bacteria that can be found on airplanes and in airports.
Always carry tissues or handkerchiefs around at all times so that if you see someone sneeze or cough nearby, it is easy to cover their mouth with something until they are done coughing/sneezing then dispose of the tissues immediately after use.
Visit one of the many hand washing stations located throughout airports, train stations and bus terminals around the world for convenience's sake and because cleanliness matters!
Only use ice made with safe water
Use only ice made with safe water. If you're staying at a hotel, ask if the ice is from a filtered source or if it's from the tap. Don't use ice from local restaurants or bars; sometimes they use tap water but don't tell you that it’s not filtered. Ice from grocery stores and other food vendors is also generally not safe for drinking unless you know for sure that it's been filtered (or have tested it yourself).
While it is important to be prepared for every situation while travelling, it is also important not to overdo it. While some people may feel safer with a weapon, others may prefer not to carry one at all. Some people may be comfortable riding without a helmet if they were in a country where the law requires them, but others prefer wearing one no matter what. The best way to prepare for an unexpected event while travelling is by finding out what works best for you personally so that you can feel confident and safe while away from home.
Emily Lamp is a freelance writer, working closely with many aspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs from various companies. She is also interested in self-improvement, entrepreneurship and technology. Say hi to Emily on Twitter @EmilyLamp2.