Easy Ways you Can Detect Plumbing Leaks in Your House
- Written by News Co

Every home run on water and as long as it remains container inside of pipes or vessels such as a sink or bathtub, it is not going to cause any damage to your home. The issue is that once that water is leaking out of a pipe or other area of your home, it can become a real problem, especially if it goes where it should not. This can happen, even if your home is new, and most homes will deal with at least one serious water leak at some point. Leaks are not always easy to discover, but it is very important to detect a leak, no matter how small, and deal with it as quickly as possible. There are many ways to detect leaks, here are a few very good ways:
Monitor your Water Meter
If you think that there is a leak somewhere, watch the water meter in your home. You will find the meter under a large manhole sized cover near the street or on the back or side of your home near the entry point of the home. Next, you will need to turn off all water faucets and any appliances that consume water. Note the numbers and then re-check in a few hours. If the numbers have changed then you have a leak. Next you will need to determine if the leak is inside or outside of your home. You will need to shut off the main valve for your water supply and then check the water meter again. If the numbers do not change then the leak is inside of your home. If the numbers have changed then the leak is in the water line that leads up to your home.
Examine Fixtures and Appliances
After you conduct your water meter test and discover a leak inside your house, you should look below appliances, cabinets and sinks for leaks. Check bases of toilets, showers and tubs as well as your dishwasher, heater and washer. If any puddles are discovered, then you will need to turn off the water supply to any fixture or appliance that is leaking.
Watch Your Water Bill
Water bills should be similar month to month. If you find that your water bill is suddenly quite high, and you have not used too much water the previous month then there is probably a leak. Small leaks can waste a lot of water annually, so it is important to keep an eye on your water bill to notice any increase in your consumption.
Are There Green Patches on Your Lawn?
If you discover an area of your lawn that is particularly green, then the rest of your yard then this could be an indication where an underground water line is leaking. If the leak is heavy, then you may notice puddles in the area too.
Test Your Toilet with Dye
If you have not found any puddles near appliances or fixtures, then your toilet might need repairs. The flapper in the toilet tank can break down over time and allow water to trickle from your toilet tank into the toilet bowl. Add a few drops of food colouring into the toilet tank and if you see that colour in the bowl then you probably have a leaky toilet tank. Replace the flapper to resolve the issue.
Keep an Eye out for Clues to Leaks
If your sink line breaks and the water starts to spray out of it, that is an obvious problem, but most leaks are a lot less obvious. Water can start to leak without being noticed until damage is quite serious. Sometimes water meter tests do not indicate a leak, but one can develop at any time so watch out for the signs which include:
Bubbling paint or bulging wallpaper are signs that the drywall is wet, and the paint and wallpaper are no longer sticking to them. If the drywall is wet, it may need to be replaced.
If water is leaking above, then you may find water stains on walls and ceilings and these are brown or yellow in colour. Discolouration is a solid sign of leaks.
Musty smell – constant leaks provide the ideal environment for mold to grow and once that occurs, you might see black spots or splotches on the walls, but the musty smell is an indication that the mold is inside your walls.
Dripping sound – if you hear water dripping then you may find a leak and if that is occurring then it can mean a larger problem such as a burst pipe.
These are all signs of a leak but not all water leaks are issues with plumbing. There can be water that is leaking from a roof or through a window. Leaks need to be dealt with immediately so that you can reduce the damage that is caused to your home and lower the risk of water damage.
If you suspect that you have leaky pipes or appliances, it is a good idea to contact a professional plumber who can then take a look for you and immediately repair any problems that are causing damage to your home. If you have left any water issues to carry on for any amount of time, they can become quite expensive as they develop and evolve.
Image from Refined Plumbing