Top Types Of Bird Houses For Your Garden
- Written by Modern Australian

Different kinds of birdhouses are available in the market right now. You can use them for various purposes, whether for nesting or feeding the birds roaming around the neighborhood. This article will list all the types of birdhouses that best fit your garden in your backyard.
Top Types of Bird Houses for Your Garden
If you are still thinking about the birdhouse you want to purchase and install in your garden, below are the top types you could ever think of. Make sure to know your primary purpose in buying to be able to select the right one that will also fit the aesthetic of your home.
Nesting Boxes
First, we have nesting boxes. These birdhouses are helpful, especially in the winter when birds are bound to lay eggs. You can drill nesting boxes on trees for a sturdier feel so the birds feel more secure when caring for their offspring. There are a variety of nesting boxes online, and you can visit this site today.
Platform Birdhouses
When the birds want to take a break from flying around the neighborhood in the summer, you can have platform birdhouses installed. You can compare these to benches in the parks. This can be a resting place for birds temporarily looking for a place to nap.
Gourd Birdhouses
Gourds are one of the best if you are looking for a more natural-looking birdhouse for your garden that will fit the latter’s aesthetic. They look like they are elongated vegetables like gourds, and they attract more birds because of this. You can choose from the various shapes and colors offered online to select the best you like.
Tree Birdhouses
And if you have a tree in your backyard, drilling tree birdhouses on the trunk is recommended for a more secure installation. You can install platforms or even nesting boxes as long as they can be helpful to the birds flying around the neighborhood.
Decorative Birdhouses
This type of birdhouse is prevalent among garden owners who like a fairytale-like backyard where they feel like they are Cinderella or Snow White. This is a fantastic birdhouse to purchase and put in your garden because some birds like it best to stay in a unique and pretty place.
Buying birdhouses is excellent for homeowners who have just begun gardening the back of their houses. It will be tricky at first, but overall, the experience will be top-tier because of the bird sounds coming from the birdhouses you installed in your garden.