How to know the universe is guiding you
- Written by Tracey Dimech

Tracey Dimech is a Spirit Alignment Mentor who has been able to communicate with Spirits for as long as she can remember.
With a combination of her undeniable connection to the afterlife, psychic abilities, personal experiences, old soul vibe and passion to serve others on the deepest, authentic level, Tracey guides people through and in to alignment with their Spirit.
Let me just clarify for you... Universal guidance is not always rainbows and butterflies, nor the feathers or sentimental songs. Rather the Universal Intelligence speaks through energy. It speaks through energetic frequencies and vibrations and it is speaking to you all the time. The challenge has always been in the awareness of this and the interpretation.
Firstly, it’s crucial you understand that the way the universe speaks to you relies mostly on what frequencies you give out in the form of thought, feeling and action. Your frequency depends on your alignment with your authentic self. When we are aligned with our authentic, higher self, the guidance from the Universal Intelligence is easy to acknowledge, interpret and integrate.
Simply, the more aligned you are, the higher you vibe in your thoughts, feelings and actions and the more subtly and passively the guidance is delivered because you are more in tune and aware with the ways it is being delivered. This is what we refer to as – the Universe is ‘whispering’ to you. You understand it, trust it, and follow it and may even describe yourself as Intuitive.
It whispers in:
Hunches – trust them because what have you got to lose?
Gut Feelings – good and bad
Headaches – energy is too intense and you may need to cleanse or ground
Delays – slowing you down
Good/Bad Vibes – vibes never lie, learn to trust the vibe you get
Dreams – premonitions, clarity
Messengers (human conversation) – hidden messages in random conversations
Rainbows, Butterflies, Feathers, Spirit Animals etc – confirmations, validations
You hear the whisper loud and clear and make appropriate shifts to follow it. You see it as happening FOR YOU.
However, when your vibration lowers because of your thinking, feeling and actions, you move out of alignment and instead of the sweet whispers you now have the Universe speaking firmly in its guidance and it’s a little harder to recognise, understand or heed. You get sick, you crash your car, you lose your job. At this point, you may start to lose trust in the Universe and faith in its guidance and begin the Ego based thought of this is all happening TO ME.
But, that job was probably not going to afford you the potential you deserve, you crashed your car to give you the wakeup call you needed about speeding perhaps and, you get sick so you slow down and risk further serious health complications. The Universe was just needing to raise its voice so you would pay attention and all it had to work with was the low vibrational energy you were giving it.
It’s all in the way you look at it.
If your vibration gets as low as low can be, the Universe ‘screams at you’. It screams at you with such an intense force that you can’t ignore it! Tragedy, death and fatal illnesses for example. It’s hard to imagine how anyone could think this is happening FOR ME at this point.
But it is.
What you don’t do for yourself, the Universe will always do for you. But that doesn’t mean you are always going to like it! And it doesn’t mean you are always going to use your free will to move back into alignment when things are uncomfortable.
If you are struggling to hear the Universe’s guidance, simply shift your paradigm around everything happening TO YOU and instead look at it always happening FOR YOU. Then choose to use your free will to make choices that are higher in vibration. And remember, the more aligned you are, the softer the Universe speaks.