How to Clear Land: 6 Most Popular Land Clearing Techniques
- Written by NewsCo

Vacant, underdeveloped land can be an opportunity to build and grow. Such a property can be transformed to increase its value. However, before land can be used for something else, it must be cleared. Land clearing removes unwanted materials from the land. This process prepares and increases the land area for either cultivation or property development. Trees, boulders, stumps and other unwanted materials are removed because they can cause obstructions to the operations to be done on the land.
In Australia, the biggest reason for most of the clearing is agriculture. The majority of this cleared land is developed for wheat, cattle and sheep production. But how do you manage debris and existing vegetation to convert land? Here are six of the most popular land clearing techniques you should know.
1. Cut and grind
Cut and grind land clearing can be done in two ways. The first method removes weeds and brush and then cuts down trees, which are placed in another area for processing. The remaining stumps can either be left and mulched into the ground or removed using bulldozers and other equipment.
The second method uses giant grinders to mow down everything and grind it into a mulch that’s spread across the land. Stumps are then cut level to the soil surface and left to decay.
2. Pile and burn
The pile and burn method is simple and inexpensive. It’s a quick way of clearing land. This age-old tradition puts the cut-down vegetation into a pile, which is then burned in a controlled manner. The remaining foliage is also set on fire. While this method is a cheap and easy way, it can be costly when things get out of control. Here are some considerations if you’re thinking of using this clearing method:
If you have a dry, windy climate, the fire can get really big and cause further damage to other property.
The fire can cause too much heat to the ground and sterilise it. This will make the soil unproductive if you’re going to use it for planting other vegetation.
This type of clearing can remove all the ground cover and increase the risk of erosion.
3. Pulling and pushover
Pulling and pushover are mechanical methods of land clearing. The pushover method utilises large machinery to push trees over with their roots intact. This removal process may leave large excavation in Newcastle land where trees stood before. Nevertheless, these holes can be fixed using a backhoe or bulldozer. When the pushover method is used, weeds and brushes should be addressed separately.
The pulling method uses anchor chains and tractors. A tree or whatever needs to be removed is attached to the chains, which are then attached to the tractor that will pull it away.
4. Chemical method
The use of chemicals in a land clearing is common when removing weeds, shrubs, plants and other small-scale vegetation. The spraying is done before burning off takes place. This method is commonly used to prepare the soil for planting. When getting rid of weeds, herbicides are used. Meanwhile, to eliminate stumps and regrowth, arboricides are utilised. These chemicals are used to kill trees and shrubs that are unwanted. Extra care must be exercised when using chemicals to clear the land because they are highly poisonous.
5. Mulching
Mulching is a very good alternative to burning. This method helps you clear the land and improves the soil condition as you bring the organic matter back to the soil. Mulching equipment is used to cut up trees, stumps and other organic materials into smaller pieces, which are then spread back into the soil. Such a method helps protect the ground from erosion, as well as the wildlife in residential development by clearing only unnecessary vegetation.
Mulching also prevents the regrowth of invasive species. It doesn’t cause considerable damage to the ground.
6. Hand clearing
Manual hand clearing or slashing is the least invasive method, but it’s laborious. You’ll need a lot of time to do this so it’s a preferred method when clearing only a very small portion of land. Hand clearing large areas would be time-consuming and costly.
With manual clearing, hand tools, such as slashers, axes and slasher hoes, are needed. This makes it the safest and least expensive method. However, hand clearing may not remove tree stumps.
Sum Up
Cut and grind, pile and burn, pulling and pushover, chemical spraying, mulching and hand clearing are some of the most popular land clearing techniques. Before you decide on which method to use, consider other factors, such as the size of the land you will work at, your time and budget, available equipment, existing vegetation, soil composition and the purpose of the clearing. If you’re hiring an excavator, make sure to get multiple quotes so you can have the best deals. With a clear and defined plan, you can easily choose which method to use.