New digital coaching trial tackles lifestyle health risks
- Written by BUPA

Bupa customers with type 2 diabetes and those struggling to manage their weight, cholesterol or blood pressure will be invited to take part in a new pilot that harnesses the convenience of video and text messaging. It will be the first time Bupa has provided health coaching and lifestyle advice to customers via video conferencing and messaging.
The trial, developed in partnership with Liva Healthcare will give participants access to their own Bupa dietitian health coach who will provide personalised support through a dedicated customer supporting app that can track biometric data such as sleep and steps.
Rather than working to a conventional clinical schedule, users can view or respond to messages at any time they choose with the goal of empowering them to make the types of lifestyle changes they may have struggled to undertake in the past.
Cindy Shay, Bupa’s Director of HealthCare Management and Innovation said the trial is extremely timely with the take-up of digital healthcare accelerating as a result of COVID-19.
“Over recent months customers have become more and more accustomed to engaging in telehealth services, however many are still finding it hard to make the time to take phone calls or make appointments during traditional work hours.
“By combining our clinical expertise with the innovative Liva Healthcare app and platform we can offer new direct delivery methods for lifestyle coaching and support that can reduce the risks of developing chronic diseases, many of which have been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Ms Shay said.
Recent studies have found that diet and wellbeing have deteriorated for Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of increased junk food intake and reduced exercise1.
“Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia and one of the biggest challenges confronting our health system2, so as an industry it’s important we invest in ‘disruptive’ solutions to stem this worrying trend. We are excited to give some of our customers the opportunity to experience the program and hopefully achieve some great health outcomes,” Ms Shay said.
Kristoffer From, CEO of Liva Healthcare emphasizes the importance of offering support beyond traditional in-person services. “It is important that people living with pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, and those struggling to manage their weight, cholesterol or blood pressure, can access support beyond traditional in-person services. Anybody going through the Liva Health Coaching program powered by Bupa will receive professional guidance, support and empathy, to help tackle or prevent chronic conditions through sustainable lifestyle and behaviour changes,” Mr From said.
The Liva app has already been used by a large number of customers in the UK and Europe and has shown to be effective in supporting customers to reach their health goals, particularly amongst those with Type 2 Diabetes.
“We are excited to team up with Bupa as we are partnering to improve the health of their customers, we share the same values, and both teams are passionate about generating long-lasting health outcomes, that’s why this is a great partnership,” Mr From said.
Bupa customers can find out more information, check eligibility or register their interest to take part in the trial at