- Written by Nicole Robertson

New research has revealed that women across the world are feeling more overwhelmed, distracted and dissatisfied than ever before, with only 15% saying they are happy with their lives.
The first of its kind Global Women’s Wellbeing Report, was conducted by wellbeing and life strategist Bella Zanesco for her debut book Smart Girls Screw Up Too – a non-nonsense guide to creating the life you want.
The research which was collated from over 2,000 women from over 80 countries over the last two years delves into 69 core attributes of wellbeing – including core mental and physical health drivers, predictors of work satisfaction and burnout, financial wellbeing, social media habits, and self-confidence – to uncover what females globally are most challenged with.
Bella Zanesco says, “For over 15 years I did what I thought I had to do to be successful, which led me to suffer extreme burnout, adrenal failure and depression. I was forced to re-evaluate my life, and I quickly realised I was not alone in my modern day crisis. In fact, 19 - 29 year old females and 30 – 49 year of females in Australia have the lowest level of wellbeing compared to any other group in the country.”
Bella continues, “My experience of hitting rock bottom and bouncing back has inspired me to help others. I spent years uncovering why, when we’ve theoretically never had it so good, that majority of us feel bad more often than we feel good.”
Key findings of the Australian component of the study, which has been dubbed by leaders as transformational for all women regardless of age and life-stage, includes:
- 80% believe they will not fulfil their potential
- 71% don’t have enough energy to do what they need to do
- 72% fall into the comparison trap
- 66% are uninspired
- 68% are sleep deprived and experience signs of burnout
- 64% experience anxiety
- 60% live for weekends or holidays and would turn to another career if they had the courage
- 60% have a persistent gut health issue impacting their mental health and life
- 50% have a mental health issue relating to their work
Bella adds, “Out of everyone studied; 15% of people were happy with their lives. However, the three core elements that were common between everyone in this group were:
CLARITY: They know who they are, what they want, what matters the most and believe in themselves to make it happen
CONNECTION: They take care of their mind, body and spirit to give them energy and motivation for their lives
CONFIDENCE: They take consistent and repeated action to choose careers, relationships and hobbies that nurture them and those around them.
Bella adds, “Having worked personally with hundreds of women over the last four years the good news with small and consistent daily action any woman has the potential to become part of the 15%. Smart Girls Screw Up Too shares the common screw up’s and gives women no matter what age and stage over 100 scientifically proven recommendations to make changes that stick.
Bella Zanesco is a life and wellbeing strategist, a world champion sailor, author of Smart Girls Screw Up Too and philanthropist working to give people and organisations the tools they need to become fully expressed leaders in their lives and careers.
Smart Girls Screw Up Too – The no-nonsense guide to creating the life you want was written to help Smart Girls look after themselves so they can bring their A-game to work. The book features insights from her own inspirational comeback story, as well as interviews from top global change makers including World Record holders, tribal elders, philosophers, somatic psychologists, neuroscientists, and research from over 2,000 executive women globally across a range of aspects around wellbeing. It is published by Wiley and is available in all major bookstores including Big W, NewsLink and Dymocks nationwide from January, 2018. RRP $29.95.
To purchase a copy or to find out more on Bella Zanesco and the research please visit: