Modern Australian Magazine
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Environmental Benefits of Living in a Studio Apartment

  • Written by Chloe Taylor

As our society is growing increasingly aware of the impact our daily lives have on the environment, we are making an effort to lessen our carbon footprint, whether by recycling, forgoing plastic, using more efficient appliances, or turning to a zero-waste lifestyle. However, we rarely think about how our choice of housing affects the environment we live in, from our long commutes to the wasteful nature of large homes. At this moment, checking rent trends in Fort Worth, Texas and living in a studio apartment seems to be one of the greenest choices we could make, and here’s why:

Reduced energy spending

It comes as no surprise that studio apartments consume significantly less energy overall compared to larger homes, particularly single, detached houses. With less floor space come fewer unnecessary rooms with fewer light fixtures, as well as no space for any additional household appliances or other gear that could potentially waste precious energy, ultimately being a much smarter and more eco-friendly option.

However, one aspect that contributes the most to energy saving, as well as potential emissions, are heating and cooling systems. Considering the fact that apartments generally tend to be surrounded by other units on nearly all sides, they are much more protected than typical houses, which are completely exposed. This protection by nature requires much less energy to heat up in winter or cool down in the summer, thus saving both on unnecessary emissions and on household expenses.

Lower water consumption

Similarly to energy, water consumption is also notably lower in most apartments, particularly smaller units. Not only are there fewer surfaces in studio apartments for cleaning with water, but such small living spaces also entail fewer members of the household, meaning that the daily water consumption, including aspects such as bathing and showering, washing dishes and clothes, or even flushing, are automatically lower as well.

What seems to contribute the most to water conservation in apartment units, however, is the lack of gardens and lawns that can generally be found in most detached houses. The irrigation necessary for maintaining such properties tends to waste a large amount of water, in most cases solely for aesthetic purposes, something apartments truly have no use for.

Community-shared resources

Instead of choosing traditional small apartments, many people opt for comfortable studios for rent that are as cozy and appealing as they are convenient and eco-friendly. These studio apartments tend to include private sleeping areas and bathrooms, offering the comfort of a home, while even including some additional perks such as housekeeping and utilities, for a more carefree stay.

However, one of the biggest benefits of such apartment units is the fact that they tend to be a part of a larger complex that includes shared communal areas such as kitchens, living rooms, laundry rooms, and lounges. This means that both the energy and water consumption, as well as the overall cost of living, is generally reduced when it’s divided among a larger number of tenants, all of whom equally utilize this shared space.

Greener transportation options

Apartments of any size are most commonly located in urban areas, particularly city centers where space is scarce, whereas larger houses are generally situated on the outskirts of town, or even more rural settings. For this reason, house owners are much more likely to have cars and other vehicles they are forced to drive every day for their commutes, thus contributing to climate change with larger amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.

Apartment dwellers, on the other hand, don’t normally have use for cars. As they live in quite convenient locations, their schools and workplaces tend to be just a short distance away, allowing them to walk or ride bikes to any destination. Even if the people living in apartments do have a need for longer commutes, they will opt for public transportation more often, which is known to be a much greener alternative to personal vehicles.

Less waste created overall

Individual units in apartment complexes tend to produce less waste than an average single house, whether it’s due to fewer individuals in a household, or simply because of less space that doesn’t leave room for unnecessary clutter and overconsumption. What’s more, apartment complexes often have separate recycling units, and in some cases even communal compost areas, encouraging tenants to live a more environmentally friendly life overall.

Another advantage of multi-residential complexes is also the fact that the created waste can be collected much more quickly and easily. This means that municipal collectors can pick up waste from dozens or even hundreds of households all in one stop, lessening the need for numerous vehicles and long trips, and thus lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the process.

From convenient locations and lower household expenses, the benefits of studio apartments extend to the environment as well, allowing you to shorten your commutes and reduce your daily energy and water consumption, ultimately doing your part to help save the planet.

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