5 Trending Ways To Deal With Work-Related Stress
- Written by News Co Media

In Australia, work-related stress is quite common. After all, many people spend at least 40 hours or so per week in the workplace. It’s almost unrealistic to expect that there will never be any stress or situations arising that create work-related tension.
Some problems are more difficult to deal with than others and everybody responds to things differently. If you’re suffering from too much stress due to your job, what can you do about it? Let’s take a look at some helpful tips and advice in this article to reduce work stress.
1 - It Might Be Time To Change Jobs
Sometimes work-related stress could simply be due to the fact that you really don’t like the job you have. If you’re working in a position that’s not your dream job, possibly just a survival job, if it really drives you crazy, then it’s probably time to seriously consider looking for another job. Why torture yourself by remaining in a job you hate?
If you’re in this position, don’t just quit. Keep your current job while putting the feelers out for a new one. Once you’ve found another job, then you can quit your current job without giving yourself financial stress in the meantime.
2 - Identify What’s Causing the Stress
It may not be obvious what’s causing the stress at work. Therefore, make a note of the things that are stressing you each day. Do this for a week. Once you have this information logged, you’ll be able to work out what the problems are. When you know that, you can work on finding resolutions to those problems and reducing your stress levels in the workplace.
3 - Take Time Out To Relax and Recharge
If work is very busy and then you go home and find yourself once again busy doing chores and other activities, you simply might not be getting enough time out to chill, relax and clear your head.
Even if you are busy every day, all people need a time out to recharge. If you don’t, you’ll end up feeling like you’re going crazy. If you have to, force yourself to take a break. Schedule some chill-out time each day, even if it’s just for half an hour. During this time, either does absolutely nothing and just relax your body and mind or do something you really enjoy doing.
Ultimately, you might find you need to take a vacation. Use up some of that holiday pay you’ve built up and work. Just get away from it all for a week or two. You’ll return feeling refreshed and recharged.
4 - Talk To Your Boss Or Manager
This tactic might depend on the problem you’re having, but if it’s something like being overloaded with work that has to be completed within impossible time frames or poor operational processes that make your job harder, you might be able to come to a resolution if you chat with your boss or supervisor. They may not even be aware that you’re overloaded or under a mountain of stress.
Likewise, if a colleague you work closely with is causing you stress, is it possible to work out the issue with them directly? It’s always better to approach the problem head-on and look for a solution, rather than simply remaining quiet and putting up with it, making yourself miserable in the process.
5 - Support and Assistance For Australian Employees
If you feel like you need some professional assistance and support, you’re not alone. Talk to someone about an initiative called the Employee Assistance Program.
EAP is a counselling service to help both employees and their family members deal with work-related stress issues. This can be something you take upon yourself to improve your work life, or it might be something your boss instigates to help improve the work environment as a whole.
The program can be accessed through a Jobactive provider in your area or by calling a toll-free number.
In Conclusion
There are always solutions to work-related stress. Often it’s simply a matter of not getting enough time out. If you’re really struggling, assess whether it’s worthwhile keeping your current job or searching for a new position.