How New Mothers Can Save on Products and Prescriptions
- Written by NewsCo

There's so much excitement about becoming a new mom and welcoming your newborn into the world. However, it can be pricey to bring up a baby, with so many products needed for infants and yourself. However, there are ways for new mothers to be able to give themselves and their children all that they need, without having to break the bank to get it.
Breast Pumps
If you've elected to breastfeed or pump for your child, you'll want to invest in a breast pump that's right for you as a first-time mama. You may have heard from your fellow mom about the debate of Elvie vs Willow, two brands of hands-free, wireless, double electric breast pumps. These models are designed to fit directly into your bra and allow you to pump with total freedom. Both the pump motor and milk connection units are housed within the shell that fits in your bra.
The Elvie breast pump is designed for full-time or exclusively pumping moms. These models are battery-powered and rechargeable and are sometimes covered by a health insurance plan. The Elvie can hold five ounces of milk on each side, with no storage or disposable bags to insert. While the Willow breast pump is also hands-free and wireless, it allows for more flexibility in pumping. New moms can actually pump while laying down, with this pump designed to be discreet for quiet breast pumping. With reusable milk containers, the Willow is a dishwasher-safe breast pump that actually helps you monitor milk production. It comes with an app that gets you started on the process, just from choosing a flange size. Both pumps are the same price, so you won't have to worry about the cost when weighing factors.
Baby Registry Items
Beyond a pumping bra and having the milk your newborn needs, there are plenty of other items that are needed to settle your baby in. It's important to consider what you may have access to already, and what can be gifted to you by family and friends as part of your baby registry. For example, nursery furniture like a crib is an absolute necessity, while bassinets and a changing table could be a nice add-on.
Reusable bottles and nipples are also must-haves, along with enough diapers to give you plenty of backup for your baby at all hours. However, a bottle sterilizer may not necessarily be needed long-term. Once you're done with the pumping process, there is truly no utilization for such a device going forward. Consider paid memberships or gift cards for activities that will get you and baby out of the house and interacting with people going through the same baby stages as you, like playgroups, toy libraries and newborn sensory classes. When setting up your baby registry, think about which outlets and stores you're using. Look into the similarities in costs in retail, and pick the brands and the outlets that will get the best bang for you or your loved ones' cash.
Just for Mom
New mamas may put so much emphasis on their newborn's health and wellbeing, they may tend to forget about themselves. Truthfully, mothers should be cognizant of their health, especially if they are taking certain prescription medication. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider, especially if you're breastfeeding. Moms should ask about any prescription or over-the-counter products, as they can pass through the breast milk and not be safe for your baby.
Prescription medication can be costly, especially if your insurance company doesn't cover certain meds. Websites like CheapoMeds provide access to thousands of products from fully licensed international pharmacy markets. By sourcing a global marketplace, these websites offer cheaper prices than you'll get at your local pharmacy. This ensures that products you have purchased are tightly regulated in accordance with FDA and CIPA guidance. This makes for good news for your bank account and more money set aside for a bright future for your baby.