Demand for reusable shopping bags skyrockets
- Written by Media Release

Shoppers prepare for plastic bag ban
Trolley Bags sales up 150% as shoppers look beyond the supermarket for alternatives
22 May 2018 – Sydney – With less than a month before major supermarkets start removing lightweight plastic bags from the shelves, consumer demand for reusable grocery bags is at an all-time high, according to Trolley Bags. The company, whose reusable shopping bag system achieved viral success in 2015, has experienced a 150% jump in sales this financial year; an increase it directly attributes to the upcoming ban.
Within days of Woolworths and Coles announcing the removal of lightweight plastic bags last July, Trolley Bags sales skyrocketed with sales up 400% from the previous month.
Trolley Bags Managing Director, Peter Byrne, said shoppers are embracing the change with many looking beyond the supermarket for alternative options.
“Ever since the major supermarkets announced they’d be phasing out single-use plastic bags, we’ve had an influx of enquiries from shoppers looking for alternatives.
“The feedback we’ve had from customers is that they’d prefer to invest in quality bags they’re less likely to forget than continually have to purchase bags at the checkout.”
Unlike other grocery bags, Trolley Bags are a system of four sturdy, reusable shopping bags that can be rolled together and hung on the back of your trolley while shopping. At the register, once you’ve unpacked your groceries, the bags can then be spread across the trolley in one step. They stand up-right on their own, allowing two hands free while packing the bags.
Mr Byrne said reusability should be a key consideration for shoppers looking for alternative grocery bags.
“The removal of lightweight plastic bags is such a positive step towards reducing waste, but in order to make real change we need to reuse more. Continually buying thick plastic bags or green bags at the checkout will do the environment more harm than good.
“Trolley Bags are designed to be used exclusively at the supermarket. This singular purpose means they’re less likely to be thrown in the cupboard and forgotten about, making it more likely they’ll be reused. They’re made from non-woven polypropylene, which makes them a stronger and more durable alternative to other reusable shopping bags. Plus, they’re machine washable which makes for easy cleaning.”
Each bag is a different colour and size, allowing groceries to be packed according to weight or type. Heavier groceries can be packed in the smaller bags at the front of the trolley, and lighter items in the larger bags at the back. This makes it easier to sort and put away groceries at home. The bags are attached to each other with Velcro and can be quickly separated to carry them out of the trolley.
Trolley Bags are available from $39.95 for a set of four bags and come in a variety of sizes and colours
Trolley Bags
Trolley Bags Xtra
About Trolley Bags
Trolley Bags were invented by Irish entrepreneur Paul Doyle, who wanted to revolutionise the shopping experience and make it more convenient for customers. He created a solution with Trolley Bags and presented it on the Irish television show, Dragons Den (similar to Shark Tank). He received a fantastic response from the judges and audience and was offered a substantial investment. The public eagerly anticipated the launch of Trolley Bags and they gained a cult following across Ireland and the UK. Now Trolley Bags are popping up in shopping trolleys all over the world.